Chapter One

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Athur, Gwen, Gauis and the knights were gathered around the round table for a meeting, when suddenly there was a bright flash of white light. When they all woke, Arthur started running around frantically.

"There's no need to worry, Arthur Pendragon." A voice came from the shadows. Immediately all the knights drew their swords, which only caused the voice to laugh. "There will be no need for that." A figure slowly emerged from the darkness, it flicked its wrist and all the swords fell to the floor.

"Who are you?" Leon asked.

"I am the person, who is going to show you the truth."

"We're going to need a name." Gwaine stated calmly, but to anyone who knew him, they could tell that if she didn't answer him he was going to kill her.

"The truth..." She ignored him. "About your beloved friend and manservant, Merlin." Arthur began to frantically look around again, finally realising who was missing from the group. When he saw that Merlin wasn't there he turned back to the woman, seething with anger.

"Where's Merlin? What have you done to him?"

"Oh, calm down. He's fine. He's still in Camelot. Probably stopping another assasin." She added the last part quietly. But Gwaine and Gwen, who were standing closest to her, heard it. They exchanged confused glances but then refocused on the problem. Gaius became uneasy when she started talking about 'the truth about Merlin' so he kept his eyes fixed on her. She looked back at him, and gave him a slight nod.

"Why are you doing this?" Elyan asked.

"Because it is time. It is your destiny to know the truth now." This calmed Gaius a little, but he was still terrified. "Merlin has been hiding something from you for a very long time, Arthur."

"Merlin? He couldn't keep a secret if his life depended on it." Arthur laughed.

"That's why he hasn't told you. Because his life does depend on it." This made Arthur and the knights stop laughing, and they all became extremely concerned. "Has it never occured to any of you, how little you know him? Tell me, do you even know his father's name." The knights all became very uneasy, as this was very true. But Arhur's expression became one of triumph.

"Ah. That's a trick question. Merlin never knew his father." He pointed his finger at her, accusingly.

"Well done." She said, impressed. "However, you are wrong." Arthurs smile faltered when she said this. "Gaius, would you like to explain." She said, causing everyone to turn to Gaius. He sighed and then took a seat. When he still didn't say anything everyone became very scared that there were some truth to what the woman was saying. Gwen slowly aproached him, and put her hand gently on his arm.

"Gaius?" She asked, warily. "What does she mean?"

"Merlin did meet his father. But he only knew him for a few days, before he died."

"Oh, Merlin." Percival muttered.

"Why did he never tell me?" Arthur asked.

"Because his father, was something unique. Something that was too close to magic. His father's name was Balinor." Arthur gasped slightly, and when the knights looked at him they saw a look of recognition cross his face. "And he was the last Dragon Lord." This made everyone else gasp. "And when he died, he passed that title onto Merlin. So now, Merlin is the last Dragon Lord."

"Oh, come now, Gaius, you and I both know he is far more than that."

"Gaius? What is she talking abou-" Arthur tried to ask, but he was cut off by Gaius.

"No. This is ridiculous. Let us go! Now!" Everyone was surprised by the harshness in his voice, but everyone knew that when it came to protecting Merlin, he would do anything.

"I will not let you go. Until Arthur sees the truth. Until he sees everything Merlin has done for him." She shouted. "Now let's begin."

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