Chapter Three

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"I think I know what's going through your mind, Merlin." Gaius said. "That your destiny is almost too much for one man to bare." Merlin pants against the rock.

"It has been a privilidge to know you, Emrys." Finna said.

"Arthur is nothing without Emrys. And Emrys is nothing without magic." Morgana plotted.

"I've lost my magic." Merlin said, dumbfounded.

"What?!" Gaius exclaimed, making everyone jump. "How is this possible?!"

"Like I said, some of these clips are from your future. This is one of them, and you must change it." The woman said.

"But how could Morgana even find out who Emrys is." Percival asked. The woman looked around, unsure how to answer that question.

"One of you will betray Merlin. One of you will tell Morgana who he is."

"Who?!" Arthur yelled, outraged.

"It shows it in the video. You will see soon."

Merlin is crying, with Arthur limp in his arms.

Gwen gasped, and grabbed onto Arthur's shoulder, as if to make sure he was there.

"Gwen, it's all right." Arthur tried to reassure her, but was unsuccesful when Gwaine spoke up.

"No, it's not, mate. Look at you!" He shouted, gesturing to the screen. Arthur rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I know. But this never happened, which means it is in the future, which means we can stop it." Arthur explained, making the tension in the room ease a little.

"What happened to the young boy, who came into my chambers just a few years ago." Flashes of Merlin show up on the screen, gradually getting younger and younger.

"He grew up." Merlin replied.

This broke everyone's hearts, especially the ones who knew him when he first arrived in Camelot. Over the years they had realised that Merlin became less of a joker, but he was still always there to lighten the mood. This just reminded them of how much he had been through without them knowing.

"If you value your lives, you won't take another step."

"You alone carry the ancient gift."

"He doesn't just have magic." Merlin calls for Kilgarah. "There are those who say, he is the greatest sorcerer ever to walk the Earth."

"I am the last dragon lord." Merlin said. He placed the dragon egg onto a tree stump. "Aithusa" He named it.

"A white dragon."

"Who did this to you?" Merlin asked Aithusa in the caves.

"That's why he went after that dragon!" Arthur exclaimed, coming to a realisation.

"Yes, princess. I think we all worked that out by now." Gwaine shook his head in disappointment. "Oh, well. Better late than never."

"You don't even have a sword." Merlin struck Morgana.

"I don't need one."

"You have magic." Merlin used his magic to protect Arthur over and over again.

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