Chapter Seven

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Hi all,

This is sort of a filler chapter, while I am writing the next one. I hope you enjoy. Also, this is the beginning of S4 E6, Servant of Two Masters.

Many thanks,

The Knights of the Round Table rode through the forest on their horses, with Merlin riding with them. Merlin approached Arthur, as they approached a ruined archway.

"Arthur, you are not serious?"

"What else do you have in mind?" Arthur asked.

"Anything. Nothing good ever happens in the Valley of the Fallen Kings. No-one in their right minds would go in there."

Arthur's face went pale, when he remembered what happened.

"Why are we watching this?" He asked the woman.

"Because, it is important. You must know what he went through." That didn't help Arthur at all, and just made him feel worse.

"You know, you should really start listening to Merlin's 'funny feelings', princess." Gwaine said.

"Yes. I know, I know."

"Exactly." Percival said.

"The routes are secret, Merlin. That's why we chose it." As soon as he said this, battle cries were heard, and bandits came from the surrounding forests.

"Not so secret after all." Merlin said.

"No need to get cocky!" Arthur replied.

"I think he might have earned the right to be cocky, by now." Leon said, and everyone agreed with him.

They all began to fight, and someone threw Arthur off his horse. Merlin saw someone one a horse approaching Arthur, and he quickly climbed down.

"Arthur!" He shouted.

Gwen clutched her husband's arm tightly, even though she knew there was no need.

Merlin threw his hand forward, and his eyes flashed gold. The man on the horse fell, before he reached Arthur. Merlin looked behind him, where a man with a mace was coming fast towards him. He spotted the man too late, and he got hit by the mace. He fell to the ground, as Arthur turned around. Arthur looked in horror at Merlin, who was layed on the ground, not moving.

Gwen screamed, and hid her face behind Arthur's shoulder. Everyone else looked at the screen in horror, remembering what had happened. Arthur had a haunted look on his face, as he remembered that terrifying moment.

Later, Arthur held Merlin up as they moved through the empty forest. Two bandits were also moving around the forest, searching for them. Arthur helped Merlin down, and they hid behind a tree root. The bandits were just above them, but couldn't see them, so they moved away. Arthur let out a sigh of relief, and looked at Merlin.

"They need to work through their anger." Merlin joked.

"They just did, on you!" Arthur scolded.

"Damn, that's what I was going to say." Gwaine joked, trying to ease some of the tension. Gwen shook her head, and laughed a little, wiping a worried tear from her eye.

"A night's rest and you'll be polishing my armour." Arthur said, when night fell. "It could definitely do with a scrub." He held Merlin up, as they walked to a log, and he put Merlin down. He looked under Merlin's shirt to see the wound. Merlin looked at him, and he had a look of dread on his face. "I've seen worse. Definitely seen worse."

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