Chapter 57

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❤️Liam's pov ❤️

I looked at Diana , and my jaw dropped.... she was extremely skinny , she came running to me and hugging me ,same with Louis.
Niall was .... sad ? I thought that we would explode of happiness , for finding her , but I guess I was wrong ....
So I went to talk to him , while Diana was hugging Louis
" good job mate .... hum .... weren't you supposed to be happy for finding her ?" I asked Niall
" yeah .... " he said looking down
" so why aren't you happy ?" I asked confused
" oh .... I'm happy don't get me wrong , but the problem , is what those monsters did to her" he said taking a deep breath
" oh ...."
" didn't you notice her thinness?" He asked me
" yap it was the first thing I noticed " I said
" exactly , she lost our baby , because of them " he said with his voice cracking
" Noooo" I said in shock

He nodded, Diana looked at me from where louis was , and I opened my arms for her to hug me one more time .
" are you ok ?" I asked her having her in my arms
" physically I'm .... reasonable alive, emotionally I'm bruised " she said sighing
" Nialler told me that you lost ..." I said
" yeah .... " she said with her head on my chest , trying to fight her tears
" let's go to the hospital , girl you need a check up ..... you need a doctor right now" I said stroking her hair, she was like my little sister , even though she's Harry's .
💜Diana's pov 💜

I was already being seen by a doctor , I was  laying on the hospital bed .
" so how's she ?" Niall asked worried
" she's fine , but she is in a state of dehydration and starvation... also her skin , it's all burn by the cigarettes, she needs a lot of vitamins and medicines" the doctor said writing everything that I'll be needing to heal myself .
" and she lost a lot of blood when she lost the baby , so she need to stay here in observation " the doctor said
" oh ok , I'm staying " my exhausted brother said
" no Hazz , y'all go home , go get rest , go have a good night of sleep , I'm fine here , I'm safe , so go sleep , you looked like you didn't sleep for about years ...." I said
" are ya sure?" Niall asked
" yes Ni I am "
" if something happens or if I need y'all I will ask the nurse to call you ok ?" I said " and I can stay one night alone , I'm used to it " I said almost whispering the last part
" ok , fine " they mumbled
They said their goodbyes, and left , finally I was sleeping well and in a bed that it's pretty comfortable, better that sleep on the floor ...

🖤 Lottie's pov 🖤
The boys are coming home, after almost one week searching for Diana , and I'm excited finally they found her .
" hey!" The boys said entering the house , without her
" hum ... hi?" I said sounding more like a question.
" where's Diana ? Louis called me saying that you found her and now , she's not here , didn't you find her ? Is everything ok ? Is she alive ? " I said extremely fast and just only in one breath
" woah , calm down Charlotte!" Harry said tiredly
" yes , she's alive it's everything ok Lottie relax " Louis said
" soooo?! Why is she not here?" Lou said from behind me with a sleepy baby on her carrier
" because she was in state of starvation and dehydration " Liam said
" yeah, we took her to the hospital, she stayed there for observation, because She lost a lot of blood , due to her abortion" zayn said , I looked at Lou and she repeated my actions, looking at me , shocked
" what ?!" We both said at the same time
"she lost our baby " Niall said almost, breaking down .
" omg no way " I said Hugging him , comforting him , Lou went hug Harry, comforting him as well , and then we switch places , me comforting Harry , and she comforting Niall , "we are so sorry about it "
" thanks but what matters is that she's ok" Harry said
" yeah .... look guys , I'm not in the mood , I'm not ok , I'm gonna rest is that ok ?" Niall said tired and almost crying
" sure go ahead mate " Liam said smiling at him .
I started to look worried at the boys .
" he's not ok .... I thought that he would be jumping up and down of happiness for finding her but I'm wrong " I said
" he lost his kid ....and his girlfriend was kidnapped....what were you expecting?" Louis said
" yes , I know .... but I'm worried , he looked like he is breaking down at anytime"
" leave him alone , he need to rest and think things trough " zayn said walking to his room
" I'm gonna sleep too bye " harry said , he was exactly like Niall , it was something heavy , what they saw ?
💜Diana's pov 💜

The doctors continued to making exams , to see if I was really ok , until two agents came to my room knocking on the door .
" Diana styles ?" One of them asked
" hum ... Yes "
" well we are here because of the body that we find next to you , hum , he was shot , and that body is Tyler Jones , am I right ?"
" yes "
" care to explain what happened, to shot him , I mean it was you that shot him ?"
" yes I did shot him "
" so explain us why , to see if we could take this case to the court or not " the other one said
" of course "
" so I was kidnapped by him and a girl called ivy , his girlfriend, and they tortured me , and I suffer too many aggressions , and before I shot him , he was trying to rape me , and i already was raped by him when I was 14/15 years , so I didn't go through that again , so I tried to push him away but he always came back , so with the chains I made him fall because he was with the gun pointed to my head  , and to give time so that I could defend myself, I grabbed the gun , but my plan wasn't kill him or shot him , but i did 'cause he came running to me to beat me , and the only reaction that my body had was pull the trigger " I said " I kill him in self defense "
" oh ... we are sorry about it , ok , well we wrote down everything that we needed thanks for your time " they said
I nodded, and they left .

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