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《Better a cruel truth then a comfortable delusion》


The cold nips at your exposed skin.By now your both out of the village and heading somewhere else.In this position you would go to sleep, somehow, but your body shiver from the decreasing weather.You said nothing about it as you were carried away to somewhere by force.

"Arms out please."

Confuse you slowly did, wondering what he was doing, the next thing you know your wrist are in a bundle of chains.Oh.You forgot about his magic trick stuff.

Not long he fits your position from his shoulder to his hip "Can't have you running off no--." The moment he touch the chain wrapped around your hand he felt your skin, he then looks at you with concern yet mad "Why didn't you tell me your cold?Fuck,we are not even there yet!"

You can handle being yelled at, your parents used to do that as they beat you when they were alive, but now all of the sudden you begin to tear up.It was weird yes but this hurt you in some way, you didn't like that.

"Tell me!"

You can't.Your crying so hard that it hurts to even speak.So what you do?You clutch onto his trench cloat, curl up into his chest, and weep your eyes out.

Heisenberg soon realized what he done, he yelled at you, guilt was all he felt.He hurt his darling feelings.Now that broke his cold steel heart.

"I'm sorry.." a warm hand was placed on your messy hair, soon he was petting you slowly, his voice low and calm "...I'm so sorry..Please don't cry darling, please."

You didn't want to forgive him so you cry till your eyes were burning, so puffy it is hard to close them for a second.Heisenberg felt really bad, he wanted to curse up a storm and destroy shit, but he remains in control.He stayed there and did what he thought he could do to soothe you in this time of need.

Not long after it seems the effect crying leads to your body to be exhausted, your grip on his cloat loosen as you push your head further into his chest.Searching for some little fragment of warmth.

He noticed that immediately cause within seconds warmth envelops around you.You didn't say anything as he held you close to him, and with so much warmth now, you felt satisfied and fell asleep in his arms.

Heisenberg POV

This girl is changing me.

"Kinda hard to think your the one for me.." He was careful as he held you, his fingers softly moving a lock of (H/C) out of your soft relaxed yet red face, his arm returns to hold your body closer to his "...so young.Dame what would do others do to you?They'll probably kill you on sight."

In his gut he felt disgusted by that.All his 'siblings' seeing you, what is rightfully his.They didn't find you first, no, he did!You are his Darling!His and only his!

"I have a gift yet that is not born my children."

All of us sat or stood far away from eachother, I never liked my 'family' and they seem to feel the same.Mostly at me.

"A gift?!" Angie, that dame creepy ass doll, flys around with unbelievable speed "A gift from Mother Miranda!Where is it?!Can I play with it??!"

"A gift?You..are too...kind mother-!"

"Oh shut your mouth!Your just trying to bedded her!" Big ass bitch Dimitresc smacks the walking ugly fish across the room like a sack of potatoes, I of course laugh at his pain, yet got annoyed as she spoke with such false authority "Forgive me Mother Miranda, he had it coming for him unfortunately.But I must ask, what do you mean by 'born'?"

"A gift that will be only one of yours; a partner."

Everyone jaw dropped, not believing this.Yet it was Mother Miranda and she never jokes around like this.This was true.

I stood up and face 'mother' chewing on my cigar with pure curiosity "A partner?Tell me, is this gift made by your crazy ass experiments-?"


"I'm sorry did you guys here something?No?Well it sounds bitchy to me."

That seems to tip her jar for she was now up and piss.Yet did I listen?Nah.She talks shit but she knows I'm right.


We both shut up.Watching Mother Miranda's every move.

Not long she pulls out a necklace "I have decided to narrow it done to one partner.They may be a boy or perhaps a girl yet with this necklace here.." She held it up for all of us to see then spoke more "...I placed a spell on this necklace remember it well for it will chose the right partner for each one of you..however only one of you may find them first."

Everyone was silent.So this was like a game of hide and seek?Intresting.

"What kind of spell did you place on the necklace Mother Miranda?"

"Angie my child, the spell I cause is one you should not mess with.Whoever wears or touch it is in a gamble of life or death.If that person is not them then they die a slow painful death and if it was the right one for you all.." she stops to see us all listening, then she finishes "...then they will gain abilities based on their own soul."

The walking fish was back and he recks "What..a spell Mother!When..will we..start?"

She smiles, I don't like that look "Now." like that the necklace was sent out and the search was on.

The sun was covered by clouds but he was able to see his misty breath.It was not warm enough, it was getting colder.The cold did not effect me but it did effect her.Just one touch and she felt cold as ice!

"Fuck I won't make it!" He knew how close he was to his place but if he keeps it up you will freeze to death, and he just found you.

So, which he swallowed his pride and dignity, made his mind up and bolt to the mansion most close to him.

Lady Dimitrescu Mansion.

His tall, bitchy, snooty, tempered 'sibling'.

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