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Keep on forgetting to put this up but yes...THIS IS A PLANTONIC!YANDERE! BOOK!!

Have fun y'all!!


This is a short chappie!!

《The problem with being empathetic is that you even feel sorry for people who have hurt you》


The two daughters of Lady Dimitrescu  let you run around, mess with their make-up, take plenty of cat naps, and do scribble on the walls....literally...

But the moment you finish drawing you turn to see only one behind you..

"Where did Bela go??"

Cassandra frowns "Mother needs her help butterscotch." Not long she picks you up "Come...you must be ready to head off hm?"

You grew excited by that.The one you were waiting to see again was going to come!Cassandra smiles at your adorableness as you bounce around in her hold, giggling and squealing in joy.

Oh..only if she could tell you what is about to happen to her..

Once your dressed, again, Cassandra guides you to the livingroom.Once there she tells you to stay put as she goes out the door.But did you stay?No.You followed her of course.

Cassandra mumbles "He is late!" soon, being careful as you could, follow her to the front door "Why is he late--?"



The doors was open to reveal, not Hiestenburg, but the man with the crown of chicken bones;Moreau.

"I..was stuck..made...a wrong..turn."

"Your rather late--."

Cassandra didn't have a chance to finish as your running full speed pass her and into Moreau.Happy to see a new fimialer face.He had little time to prepare himself for he too, like Hiestenburg, fell onto his bottom.

Cassandra sighs "Please do deliver her to Uncle Heisetenberg.As you see, the cold kills me.."

Moreau nods "I...will dear!.."

You pout out, wanting Cassandra to come with you.She hears that so she kiss your temple with such love and gentleness saying a quick "We love you nibling." not long the doors of the House Of Dimitrescu was close....never to be opened again.

"Do you...like..fish?.."

The moment you heard 'fish' your sad mood was gone and the next moment your doing zoomies around Moreau.He took that a yes so he led you to a place he enjoys that is swarming with fish.

°•☆•°Time skip for Dede, Bela, and Cass°•☆•°


A giant lake.

"Now!Before...you..jump in..there--!"

You didn't heed his warning..oh no.You took off your coat, shoes, socks, and run off the dock.A massive wave created as you made went in with a not that good cannonball.

But it was hella cold.

Moreau didn't see you come back up.It's been five minutes since you jumped in.He didn't know if you need help or not but he was getting worried for your sake.


Moreau almost had a mini heart attack as he sees you finally pop your head out, making your way to the shore, soon shivering once the cold air hits your soak form.You were dumb to do that but you did just that...like an idiot.

"I-I saw fish!"

Moreau took off his hood, wrapped around your ever so shaken figure, soon guides you to his abode "I...knew you..would!"

Getting inside he offers you a warm bowl of cooked clam chowder.Once you ate your fill he offers a seat next to him and the next thing ya know your watching Beauty & The Beast on his T.V. He didn't have a good fire place but the food, hood, and seat was good enough for you to take a little nap.

Moreau POV

The movie was only barely over as he felt unknown weight press against him.Turning he softens up to see the small child tuckered out..

Must be due to the cold and burst of energy they spent today..?

"Oh..uhh?.." he didn't know what to do but choosen to lay back, clearly not  been in this situation before, so he watch the movie credits.

Is this....is this a way to show trust?

Looking at the child again he attempts to pet their (H/C) back, which in return made you snuggle in more to Moreau, he didn't feel afraid but warm inside.Happy to know you like his touch and to be near his disgusting  self.

He, for once, felt affection and truly wanted.

A new feeling he so dearly wished to have, but never did have..

But that moment was about to end for once he heard a creak he knew he was not alone...

Ethan, his beloved Mother Miranda chosen lover, has come to finish and steal his..present..

It seems it is time to release the kraken!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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