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《We worry about tomorrow like it's promised》


Get in and get the hell out.That was Ethan's plan, after getting his daughter, yet he knew how hard that will be.

This was not his very first rodeo..

His back was aching from you sleeping your tired petrified self there "Hold on, there we go!All better!" he managed to flip you over into his arms, your form close to his chest.

He took a moment to examine your sleeping features.From the smooth color of your skin to the small cute button nose he immediately felt his face go warm.....why the hell was he suddenly feeling so...fuzzy...all of a sudden?

He didn't stay in that state for long for he snap himself back to reality.He was here to save his baby, to save Rose, not daze off into space and die where he stands.No matter what it takes he will get his baby back, his Rose back.

Not long he finds himself in a big room, for this castle was hella fancy, but he notice the door had words embedded into it.

He blink, confuse "What...?" then gets closer to look..

A moth slowly fly pass his face as unknown laughter shook him to the core.

"Looking for Rose?"

He turns around, horrified yet confuzzled with how he was found by moth vampire like woman, but held your sleeping form in a protective fatherly manner.

"What the--?"

Not long the black haired girl comes from nowhere saying a quick "Don't touch this pure child you filthy man!" and took your form from Ethan.


Immediately he was pushed down by the blonde chick, with a curve weapon in hand, stabs it into his thigh  yet leans close to moan out "Mmmmm, man-blood!~"

He couldn't get up for he was immediately drag somewhere, not long the another one joins in on stabbing his leg and pull him away, and all he could do was groan and squirm in pain as they pull him along.

Why is everyone he meets just wants to immediately stab or shoot him?

However as Ethan was getting dragged the woman who had you was, which is hard to do, piss off.

"My nibling what did that bad man do to you?!" She didn't go fast as her sister did, no, she went slow for your sake not long she rubs your cheek with loving care "Don't worry. Mother, my sisters, and I will keep that man far away from you."

Cassandra knew she was not allowed to kill Ethan, but to do this to a sweet child like you?Hell is to pay for his fucking sin he so committed.

The two sisters, Bela and Daniela, got to the room and call out "Mother, we bring you fresh prey."

"You are too kind to me, daughters." Lady Dimitrescu, yes it was her, spoke before getting up immediately "Now, let's get a closer look at him."

Ethan looks over, his face goes pale as the curvy figure stood up, it was that same woman he saw before that crazy live-or-die game..

What made this worst?Not only dose he have to survive but he now has three more to escape from; Her crazy ass daughters!

"Well, well.Ethan Winters.You seem to escape from my idiotic brother's game did you?Let's see how special you are."

Lady Dimitrescu flick her wrist up, immediately her two daughters took action.

"Yes mother."

He was going to fight for himself until his wrist was sliced open, not long he finds it disgusting and rather uncomfortably disturbing as the giant mountain of a lady began to suck and taste his own fresh drawn blood.

"Hm.His blood has gone little stale." She was so displeased that she drops Ethans hand, he was deciding either to run or not.

"Then let's devour his man flesh quickly mother!"

"But I am the one who captured him!"

"Now, now daughters.First I must inform Mother Miranda." She throws the napkin down, then approached Ethan dauntingly "But later....there will be enough for everyone.Put him up!"

That got him confused yet horrified as the daughters grab his hands and stab him through with hooks, not long he was lift up into the air like that with ease, groan and feeling extreme amounts of pain.

"Put me...down!"

She smirks "Oh do be careful of what you wish for, Ethan Winters.~" then like that each lect the room.

But you think that was the end?Hah, not really.

Bela stops, noticing one of her sisters were gone "Waite..?Where is Cassandra?"

Daniela noticed that to "Did she not follow us?"

"Oh I did follow, yet it seems I had to miss the fun this time."

Their mother was still there, for she noticed only three of them were not entirely there, yet stayed and listen.

"Miss the fun?Why must you--..."

Cassandra didn't have to say anything for it immediately clicks for the two sisters.Yet Lady Dimitrescu was left hanging.

"Cassandra, dear daughter, what is it you are not telling me?"

Cassandra knew to not lie, she loves her mother very much, so she spoke the truth "That filthy man thing had (Y/N) with him mother."

That sent Lady Dimitrescu into a spiral.She was there when you accidentally fell into the hole with Ethan, she even recalls Hiesenberg telling Urias his minion to grab you and go, but to hear your here?In her castel??Well, her plan is seemingly going into her favor.Yes.Quite well actually.

"You wish to see her mother?"

Lady Dimitrescu nods, immediately Cassandra leads the way to a room.It was the exact room you first came to visit.Not long they each noticed the small lump in the large bed under the covers.

She felt at peace-.

"She is hurt mother, she needs to rest."

Her peace left as her cold heart sank down in empathy and boiled over by rage.Her empathy was clearly for you for she dislikes you being hurt in any form.Her rage however was aimed at her idiotic brother and that so called special mortal called Ethan Winters, she was piss.

"Mother, breath!She will recover!" Bela trys to sooth her, not long Cassandra joins in "Her injuries are not fatal, she will need some rest and she be fine soon."

Her daughters tryed to calm her, she was so ever grateful for them, and it seems to work.Lady Dimitrescu calmed down slightly, a flame still burning inside her eyes.

"Come, let us leave now." This was Lady Dimitrescu who spoke, immediately each of her daughters agree and like that she was force out of the room.

Little dose Lady Dimitrescu knows is that this may be the last thing she will remember about her beloved daughters...

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