get back on the straight and narrow

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Let's start on the beginning,
That's how the stories works.
There was this girl who was insecure about her looks.
She never trust herself.
She had been fallen and break into a million pieces.
But I am sure her heart is priceless.
There was this person who have changed her life so easily.
Like how easily he vanished to the thin air completely.

In the past year, it was her worst year.
From laughter, it became tears.
The confidence became fear.
She have walked to a bunch of rainstorms,
She have tried to fit in with her friends at any forms.

But she didn't gave up.
She stood with a fearless smile and trust her luck.
"This year would be a wonderstruck"

At first she thought it would be more worst.
She have lost 2 of her best friends.
Trust her fate that soon it would mend.
She discovered so many things,
Wonderstruck to the writings,
A red rose grew beneath her skin,
Gain the love she have lost for years.
She finally turned into a butterfly with the rarest wings.

Met new awesome people,
The goals she achieves throughout the season.
She may not have yet got her freedom,
But I know she'll have a good reputation.

She had been to different beautiful places,
Appreciate the beauty of nature.
Just like how she appreciate herself now.
Made an adventurous memories with her friends.
The only person who truly make us happy is ourselves.

As she walks towards the ocean,
She have seen her old self.
She have learned so many things,
People would not always be there but her elegies.
As her hair flows through the wind,
She valorously smile to the cascade of waves,
Letting her broken heart go,
As she mended the million pieces back together.

Just like Taylor Swift says...
"In the end of her reputation,
She felt truly alive"

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