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When I die,

You'll see me shining in the starry night.

When I die,

All of my dream and reverie would fly.

When I die,

My proses would come alive.

And when I die,

My broken heart would be the only one who would survive.

You'll see me at the darkest night,

Shining shimmering giving people's light.

The beauty in one in a million,

I would take you in an journey in the another dimension.

You would feel me in the sea foam,

The tears rushing at my face when I'm alone.

The grass that you step in barefoot,

You must be wondering why I reboot.

I'm not gone.

I would be back in the end of time.

Ages would come undone,

I'll be in a different perspective of mine.

I would soon return,

I only took a long journey at the Saturn.

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