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The time has finally come,

The fun will be soon gone.

But the million roses would rose up.

Slowly, but surely.

As the music of the music box fades,

We are now in a new era and age.

The memories of heartbreaks still stains,

But the love for myself still remains.

The new journey is on the way.

Get on the high heels and slay.

Remembers the important lesson,

Some people would come and go,

some would stay.

Don't  be afraid to make mistakes.

Just think about the peaceful nature at the lakes.

Mistakes are the guide like the stepping stones.

Remember this things,

Don't let anyone break your bones.

The new journey ahead,

Let the broken hearts be mend.

Remember the important things you've learn in the past.

It would help you to become a perfect person in the end.

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