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"dont touch her." 

"Who are you? Where did you come from?" The woman spat at me. John watched from his cell, the both of us staying silent. I bit my tongue, not answering the woman. The Grounders seemed like bad people and I was not about to help them or tell them anything about our people. 

"Not a talkative one, I see." The woman seethed. "Very well then." She said before shouting something in a different language. Two tall, large men walked into the room. Neither of them were the one from last night. These ones looked very, very scary.

One of them pulled me to my feet with so much force, I couldn't even think of fighting back. They took the shackles my hands were in and suspended them above my head against a wall on the other side of the room, opposite the bars between mine and Murphy's cages. 

"I'm gonna give you one more chance to talk. So... Who are you?" The woman repeated threateningly. I still bit my tongue. 

When I didn't answer, one of the men practically ripped off my jacket and ripped my shirt in half, leaving me in only my pants, boots and bra. The cold air hit my skin immediately. 

"Hey, don't touch her!" Murphy yelled. 

"Who. Are. You?" The woman hissed. When I didn't answer for the third time, one of the men took a sharp, nail like object and stabbed it through one of my hands. I yelled in pain as I felt blood dripping down my palm. 

"Stop it!" Murphy shouted, hitting his hands on the bars separating our cells, the chains from his shackles hitting the bars. 

The painful sensation didn't go away when they left the metal sticking through my hand. 

"Who are you?" The woman asked again, her voice cold and threatening. I didn't answer again. I bit my tongue. I was not about to put my brother or Monty or Octavia or anyone at camp in danger. 

One of the men threw a strong punch at my jaw. With a grunt of pain, my head turned to the side from the force of the punch. I swear I heard a crack. I could taste blood in my mouth, so I spat at the man who had just punched me in the face. The spit landed right over his eye. 

He wiped it off with a scowl on his face. Uh oh. Maybe I shouldn't have poked the bear. He threw one more, very strong punch at my face. I'm surprised he didn't knock any teeth out. 

"Stop it!" Murphy continued shouting angrily from his cell. I kept a brave face, not letting these people think I'm weak. 

They kept questioning me and I never answered. Every time I didn't answer, I would either get punched or whipped. After about two hours of them drilling into me with questions and Murphy yelling at them to stop and me staying silent the whole time, they stopped. 

The woman said something to the men in their language. I tried breaking up the words that she said. 'Boy' was definitely one of them. It sounded like something like 'Do boy' or something along the lines of that. I definitely understood what they meant. It was Murphy's turn.

"John, they're gonna try to make you talk now. Make a run for it when they open your door." I whispered as one of the men and the woman left my cell. 

"What? No." Murphy replied in a hushed tone. "I'm not leaving you here."

"Go! Go, now!" I exclaimed when the Grounders began opening his door. Murphy, with his survivor's instincts, got up and ran for the door. Luckily his restraints weren't attached to anything. Unluckily, the woman, with quick reflexes, stopped him with a punch and flipped him over in a swift movement. 

"Not a word from you." The Grounder in my cell grumbled, putting a piece of cloth around my mouth to stop me from talking. 

Murphy lied on  the floor with a small groan of pain. "Great idea, doll." He groaned sarcastically. 

"Where did you come from?" The woman asked Murphy intimidatingly. "How many of you are there?" 

"Nice to meet you, too-" Murphy was cut off by a punch to his gut. It was killing me not being able to do anything to help Murphy. I was still standing, gagged with my hands over my head, bruises and marks all over my body and a metal rod through my hand while Murphy was being beaten up in the cell next to me. 

"Who is your leader?" The woman asked for the umpteenth time. When Murphy didn't answer, the man cut off another one of his fingernails as the boy screamed in agony. 

"We try again tomorrow. Maybe then they will have gained some sense." The woman declared. The man in my cell took my hands off the wall, so they were still chained together but not attached to anything. The Grounders left, leaving Murphy and I alone and in pain. 

"Are you okay?" Murphy croaked out.

"I should be asking you that. Show me your fingernails." I replied. The Grounders left two torches in each of our cells so on the bright side, literally, we had some light. 

"I'm fine." Murphy replied. I glanced down at my right hand, which still had a long nail sticking through it. I guess I had to take it out now. 

I looked down at the bloody, old metal rod through my hand and grimaced. This was gonna hurt. I reached for the metal and decided to just suck it up.

"You do it." I blurted to Murphy. I trusted him to do it more than myself. 

"I... I can't. You do it. C'mon, you got this. Like ripping off a band-aid." Murphy encouraged. 

"Yeah... Band-aid. Okay." I nodded. "One... Two..." And I ripped the rod out of my hand with a yell of pain.

"Here." Murphy said, ripping off a piece of his shirt sleeve. "Give me your hand." I stuck my bloody hand through the bars. Murphy wrapped the grey strip of fabric around the wound. "So it doesn't get infected."

"Thank you." I smiled softly, even though we were both in immense pain. I pursed my lips in thought. 

"Hey, look at me." He looked up to meet my gaze. He could tell what I was thinking, because he was thinking it, too. "We'll get out of here. Okay?" 

I nodded. "I wanna believe that."

"Believe it. Because it's true. We'll survive together." He encouraged. 

"I don't wanna survive. I wanna live." I replied. 

"And you will. We'll make it out of here, Jordan. I promise." He promised. "We'll get out of here and we can go back to camp and you can see your brother again." 

"Promise not to tell them anything?" I offered.

"I won't if you won't." Murphy replied with a small smirk. 

word count: 1151

a/n: hey sorry for the short chapter. i havent had a double update in a while haha. hope u liked this chapter sorry it was kinda boring and gory but murphys cute so im hoping youll forgive me. stay hydrated, love you all xx

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