16||unity day

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"i call this batch unity juice"

Unity Day. I don't really have much of an opinion on Unity Day, mostly because I never really got to celebrate it. Apparently the Unity Day parties were fun on the Ark, but I wouldn't know because I never got to go to one. Jasper and Monty would go to the parties and have a couple drinks with me in our house afterward, but would already be too drunk and tired from the party to have any more fun. 

This year is different, though. This year, we're on the ground. This year I get to actually celebrate Unity Day. And with other people, not just Monty and Jasper. I'm planning on getting absolutely wasted, probably making some bad decisions and probably regretting it in the morning. 

Today is Unity Day and a crowd of delinquents were gathered around a small screen that Raven had somehow managed to set up and connect to the Ark so we could see them. 

We were listening to Jaha giving the Unity Day speech, that even though I never got to see in person, I still had to hear over the Ark's P.A system every year.

I wasn't able to watch it because unlike some people, I was working. Clarke cleared me to work, but I still had to take it easy and wear the stupid sling on my arm and a bajillion bandages on for another week or so. It's been four days since we helped Lincoln escape, and so far, we haven't had a single Grounder attack since then. 

I was doing easy work, just sorting some nuts and berries, but it was work nonetheless. And working means I get extra rations and maybe some extra clothes, so that's a plus.

"Whoo! Yeah!" Jasper cheered, emerging from his and Monty's tent with a big canister of what I can only assume was Monty's homemade moonshine. "Monty strikes again! I call this batch Unity Juice! Who's thirsty?" 

Everyone cheered as they crowded around Jasper with cups ready for him to fill. I stayed working, not wanting to get drunk too early in the day and go to bed early. 


It got a bit later and I eventually gave in to the temptation and started drinking with everyone else. Monty's moonshine is really strong, so I was being careful with how much I drank unlike the other eighty delinquents who were just drinking as they pleased. They're gonna regret that tomorrow.

Raven had somehow rigged some spare parts together to make music, so that was cool. I was sitting around with Jasper, Monty, a girl named Harper, a girl named Fox, a guy named Sterling, and a guy named Myles.

"Hey, Ophelia." Monty said, turning our attention to him. "Truth or dare?"

"Oh, here we go." Jasper chuckled. Every time we played truth or dare on the Ark, it would end up in either an argument or us doing something stupid. 

"Truth." I smirked in reply.

"Out of this group, who would you... sleep with?" 

"Ew, Monty, that's my sister, I don't wanna know that." Jasper grimaced. 

"Then cover your ears." I shot back. "Um... Probably Harper." I replied with a shrug. 

"Why Harper?" Sterling asked.

"One question per round." I quipped. "Myles, truth or dare?"

"Uh... Dare." Myles replied excitedly.

"I dare you to... give Monty a lap dance." I replied.

"What? I'm not..." Myles stammered.

"Take the dare or drink in shame." Jasper replied.

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