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"we're back bitches"

On the Ark, there's a law that states only one child is allowed per family. However, I was a twin. There has never been twins on the Ark, I'm not sure why. My mom hid me inside a loose panel on one of the walls of our room whenever the guards did an inspection. That's how I stayed alive.

But when I was fifteen, I was caught. It was the worst day of my life. There was another inspection, just like any other day, but I wasn't able to get in the wall quick enough.

My name is Ophelia Jordan. My brother is Jasper Jordan. I was born eight minutes after him, making me an illegal child.

There's also a law on the Ark that makes any crime, no matter how small, punishable by death. Unless you're under eighteen. If you're under eighteen, you get sent to the Sky Box until your eighteenth birthday, after that, you get reviewed to see if you deserve to live or not. It's fucked up, I know. 

I've been locked up for about a year and a half, I turn seventeen in a few months. My cellmate, Octavia is an illegal child as well. She hid under the floor for sixteen years. She's not only my cellmate but my best friend.

I was sitting down, leaning against the wall of my cell and staring at the cold, dull metal ceiling when I heard the all-too-familiar buzz of the door opening. It was odd since it was only morning and guards don't come into our room until we're allowed out which is normally later in the day.

Two guards walked in. One was carrying a black box, the other was carrying a shock baton.

"Prisoner 167 and 152 against the wall." The guard carrying the shock baton ordered. The other guard opened up the box, revealing a collection of metal bracelet things. Were they going to float us early?

"What... What's happening?" Octavia stammered nervously as she stood up and reluctantly obeyed the guard. 

"Are you gonna float us?" I asked, fear present in my voice. I stood up but didn't go against the wall like they said.

"Prisoner 152, against the wall." The guard demanded again. I didn't wanna get hit with the shock baton, those things hurt like hell. Then again, I didn't wanna be floated either. If I was being sent to my death, I wasn't going down without a fight. I knew how to protect myself, I taught myself how to fight while I've been in the Sky Box.

I bolted out the door, being too small and nimble for either of the guards to catch me. This must be why they had put us in those Earth Skills classes a couple weeks ago. 

Outside my cell was chaos. Delinquents were being escorted out of their cells, some were fighting guards, a couple people were crying and panicking. It was straight up mayhem.

"Prisoner 152, stop right there!" A guard yelled and ran up to me with his weapon raised. I kicked him right in the chest, causing him to fall on the floor, winded.

Another guard came charging up to me, this one didn't have a weapon, though. I landed a punch to his jaw and Sparta-kicked him in the gut, making him fall on top of the other guard.

Then, two more guards came up to me at the same time, I managed to take one of them out by punching him in the temple and knocking him unconscious, but the other guard hit me in my side with his shock baton.

I grunted in pain and fell to the floor. Another two guards picked me up, restraining my arms tightly. They escorted us to some kind of exit. All one hundred of us. 

A drop ship.

"Has anyone seen Ophelia? Or Monty? Have you seen Monty" I heard a guy's voice asking frantically. If I knew any better I would say it was my brother's voice. Sure, it sounded like it, but Jasper didn't get arrested. 

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