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Leave my loneliness unbroken,
Leave me alone
Because what's the point of staying
With someone who's seen the world
not as a home,
but as a hell
Full of demons
Yet so beautiful
at the same time.

Because that's what broken people do,
They make the darkest of places
The happiest of paradise
And the happiest of paradise
The darkest of someone's time.

But I promise you,
I will love you
Cherish you
Create memories
Keep you with me to
Forever love you.

But only until the demon inside me
Wants to.

I'll destroy our love
The moments that we spent,
That we cherished
Until the end
And darling,
I'll destroy
And create a hell.

Because I warned you,
That I'll be your happiest of paradise,
But you'll never come to know
When this paradise will turn into a nightmare,
And create a darkness
That'll not leave you alone.



written: april 15, 2021

A poem a bit on the darker side. I saw a prompt and thought, 'Why not write something deep?'
This was hands down one of my favourite poems to write because it describes my mood literally all the time.

anyways, thanks for reading, people! do vote and comment if you liked it-


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