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When the water started to get cold, Cassie drained the tub and I stepped outside the bathroom so she could shower. I didn't go far though, just outside the door encase she needed some help getting from the bathroom to her room. Cassie didn't though. She used her cane and was able to make it to her room without a problem. I waited outside her room until she was dressed then joined her inside when she was done. We cuddled together on her bed and watched another episode of American Horror story before her mom called us in for dinner.

As I tried to put on the nice shirt I brought, Cassie didn't let me. She is dressed in sweats and said her parents would be too and that I should save it for tomorrow. With a kiss on the cheek I let Cassie hang the shirt back up and we walked into the dining room together. Chad was in the middle of setting the table and he took a seat when he was done.

"It's nice for you to join us McKenna, take a seat wherever. What can I get you to drink?" Cassie's dad Marshall asked.

"Thank you for having me and water is fine with me sir." I said and let Cassie push me into the chair next to her. Thank God it wasn't across from Chad.

"Don't call him sir, it will go right to his head. Marshall is just fine." Cassie's mom said coming into the dining room holding a bowl of pasta.

"Whatever you like ma'am." I said and bit my lip when Cassie snickered next to me. I looked up and saw Chad hid his laughter behind his hand.

"Nope, no, none of that in this house ever. I'm Willa, he's Marshall and that's it." Willa said and sat down next to Chad. He was still trying not to laugh and Willa didn't like it so she gave him a slap across the back of his head.

"And you, next time you are planning to come home, call first, I had to send your father to the store to get some more stuff for dinner. I knew I had one hungry hockey player to feed not two." Willa said and Chad stopped laughing to mumble out an apology.

That's when Cassie started laughing and I had a hard time keeping a straight face as Chad glared at his sister. Marshall came back in a few moments later holding three cups and he handed one to me and the other to Cassie while keeping the last one to himself.

"So, what'd I miss?" He asked and pulled his chair in.

I couldn't help the almost snort that came from my nose and I tried to hide my face behind my hands. Cassie started laughing next to me and I just looked over to her.

"Well these two have jokes. That's okay we'll just start eating without them." Marshall said and reached over for the bowl of pasta. Willa and Chad started grabbing some of the other dishes on the table and passing them around to each other while Cassie and I got ourselves together. Once we did, we took the plates and passed them back and forth to each other to get mix of everything.

While we ate, there was just some light chatter between us all, nothing major as we were all pretty hungry. Chad kept pretty quiet during dinner and every once and in a while I would glance over at him and find him looking between Cassie and myself. By the time we were finished eating it was really starting to annoy and I think Cassie noticed too because she called him right out on it.

"Is there something you wanted Chadwick?" Cassie said pulling out Chads full name and put her fork down.

"No" Chad said looking scared he just got caught.

"Oh there is, so out with it, because I'm sick and tired of the looks you have been throwing us all night." Cassie said.

Chad looked at the both of us and then at his parents who looked on concerned. I didn't know how if Cassie told them about what happened between Chad and myself at the bar and I didn't know if she wanted to ever bring it up again but it looks like she's about too. Chad looked down at his plate and sighed before looking up at me.

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