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"Mae, dessert comes after dinner." I sigh at the seven-year-old

She frowns, a frown that Killian says is identical to mine. "Dad said it was okay."

I jump when an arm wraps around my waist. After all these years, I still couldn't See it coming.

"Way to throw me under the bus, kiddo," Killian says, and Maeve giggles, shoveling more chocolate cake into her mouth.

"And what do I always remind you about your father?" I ask.

"Dad is always wrong," Maeve chants, and Killian snorts.

"Correct," I say, stepping out of Killian's arm and kissing her raven hair as I take the plate. "Your cousins will be here soon for dinner, go wash the chocolate off your face, okay?"

Maeve nods, bounding off to her room.

"Do you think she would conquer a territory if they had an abundance of chocolate?" Killian asks bemusedly, teleporting behind me once again to wrap his arms around me.

"As you often like to remind me, Alphas can do what they want," I say teasingly.

He nips at my ear. "I've never found that to not be true."

I roll my eyes, trying to squirm out of his arms, but he doesn't ease up on his grip. "Killian, let me go," I whine. "I have to set the table."

"Done," Killian says after a moment.

I look at him questioningly, and he smiles mischievously, gesturing towards the table, which is now completely set. "Now we have time for other things," he says suggestively, kissing my Mark.

I laugh. "No, I have to make sure that Kiera is ready. Where is she?"

"Where she always is," Killian snorts.

"Training?" I ask in surprise. "She already had training today."

Killian shrugs. "She wanted to go again. Knox is training her and Kalen, he'll bring her by when they come for dinner."

"Well, I still have to-"

Killian's hand clamps over my mouth as he spins me around so I'm facing him, still keeping his arm around me. "Please relax, darling," he says, kissing my forehead. "Why are you so stressed about dinner tonight? We have these things all the time."

"Monthly," I correct, pulling his hand away. "We have them monthly."

He rolls his eyes. "How about answering the question instead of finding semantics to argue over?"

"I don't know, I kind of like the arguing," I say cheekily, and Killian flicks my nose.

"Don't I know it," he mutters, his eyes glowing in amusement.

My head snaps up. "Door."

Sure enough, there's a knock on the door.

"My little Seer," he coos, pecking my lips with his.

Rolling my eyes, I slip out of his arms and open the door.

"Hello!" Layla sings, throwing her arms around me.

"Hi, Layls," I laugh, pulling away. "Hi, Kage."

Kage nods in greeting, both of his hands holding pans of food.

"Layla, did you make him carry both pans?" I sigh, taking one of them from her mate.

Layla laughs, skipping past me. "He offered!"

I suppress a smile. Kage, always the perfect gentleman.

"Hi, Luna," Adrian says, hiding behind his dad's legs and shadows.

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