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february 1st, 2024
10:32 am

"I JUST BOUGHT A NEW APARTMENT!" Ayoluwa sung various lines of the Ari Lennox song at the top of her lungs

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"I JUST BOUGHT A NEW APARTMENT!" Ayoluwa sung various lines of the Ari Lennox song at the top of her lungs.

She was alone in her new expansive brownstone, located in the affluent Brooklyn neighborhood of Cobble Hill.

When it came to choosing a new place of residence, it was a no brainer to choose a house in another borough over another apartment in the Upper East Side.

"I'm gonna leave the floor wet, walk around this bitch naked, and nobody can tell me shit!" Ayoluwa danced around her new residence, moonwalking, and spinning around the still, mostly, furniture less home.

"Pop my wooha in the sky, cause nobody here, to judge my life! Leave some dishes in the sink, do some cartwheels," Ayoluwa paused in the song to do a series of cartwheels like the song said before landing on her butt and releasing some childlike giggles, "Cause my furniture ain't came."

The hardwood floor made her tailbone ache but Ayoluwa didn't care.

She was too happy, too on top of the world to care about a possible bruise.

Ayoluwa still felt nauseous, yes, but she didn't have the pit in that stomach like before.

It was amazing how much lighter she felt after shedding the emotional weight that was Joshua Christopher.

The doorbell rang and Ayoluwa excitedly raced to the windows to see who was on her porch.

She quickly opened the door to reveal Gloria in business attire, "Hey!"

Gloria gave her a weird look as she came inside, "You woke up on the right side of the bed."

"I woke up on the right side of life! I didn't realize how much being with Josh was holding me back emotionally. I-I feel like I could climb Mount Everest right now! I feel like I could fly!" Ayoluwa grinned.

Gloria looked around the living room section of the single family brownstone she had bought for herself, "Your furniture isn't here yet?"

"No, not yet. I still need to order some stuff for the last guest room but this living room..." Ayoluwa spun around, her locs moving with her, "I wanna paint everywhere and this place is gonna be filled with plants and I want to fix the backyard and plant some flowers and I want to get a dog. No, a cat! No, a dog! And maybe some fish and a bird and a hamster too! Josh didn't want pets but now I live alone and I can do whatever the fuck I want! This is great!"

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