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february 19th, 2024
11:02 pm

AYOLUWA EXAMINED her stomach in the full length mirror placed in the corner of her bedroom

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AYOLUWA EXAMINED her stomach in the full length mirror placed in the corner of her bedroom.

The lights were on and the blinds were closed due to the time of night.

Living alone had given Ayoluwa complete creative control over her space and she hadn't hesitated to take the reins.

The master bedroom was decorated very boho and minimalistic with more plants, fringed tapestries on her beige walls and brown shelves above her bed holding her extensive vinyl collection of different music genres and record player.

I don't look pregnant.

Her abdomen was still flat for the most part, except for the slight roundness at the bottom of her torso.

Her hands lightly rested on her stomach and part of her willed the baby to kick or move.

The doctor had informed her that the baby wouldn't make himself or herself known until a couple more weeks from now.

Life is in there.

Life is inside me.

The reminder made Ayoluwa grin a little bit.

At first learning the news, she was horrified, with good reason but now that she had sat with it and Joshua's reaction hadn't been devastating, Ayoluwa was beginning to get excited.

She could imagine teaching her daughter or son piano, cradling a baby in her arms and letting Lauryn and Myles meet their new cousin.

She rubbed her hands over her stomach, Stevie Wonder's Isn't She Lovely on her lips, "Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful?"

Ayoluwa continued to hum the tune as she smiled at her torso in the mirror.

Firefly, who was laying asleep on her bed, had woken up promptly at the sound of Ayoluwa's phone ringing with a FaceTime alert.

As soon as she answered, Dior's voice was boisterous in his greeting, "Ayo!"

"You're in my ear," Shareef grumbled as he pushed Dior out of the camera.

"Move, kettle corn ass. I wanna talk to Ayo!" Dior pushed Shareef back.

Ayoluwa rolled her eyes, "Can y'all go one day without arguing?"

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