✿ eleven ✿

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Felix has just finished serving a table and was walking back towards the register. But he stops when he feels someone wrap his arms around his waist and rest their head on his right shoulder.

"Hi Channie." Felix is glad that Chan isn't able to see his smile.

He's anticipating a 'Hi baby' in return, but that's not the case this time around.

"Hello Yongbokkie~~"

Felix pauses for a moment before groaning.

"God, how do you know about that?"

Chan laughs evilly before kissing his cheek. "Jisung told me."

Felix puts his feet on Chan's shoes and Chan walks them both to the counter.

"I told him such a long time ago, I can't believe he still remembers..."

"Lucky for me, I guess."


"It's a cute name." Chan snuggles into the barista's neck, making him slightly gasp in surprise.

"Mmmmm, you smell like strawberries," he mumbles.

Felix giggles and asks, "Really?"

"Yup," he says, tightening his grip on Felix's waist. "Now I wanna cuddle you."

Felix imagines cuddling with Chan. Hugging him close while he runs an arm up and down his back, lightly pecking his lips in the process–

"You're blushing."

Felix tries in vain to wiggle out of Chan's arms and Chan laughs.

"I'm stronger than Lixie~~" he teases.

Felix would be lying if he says he hasn't developed just a tinsy crush on Chan over the past couple of weeks. He wants to deny it, but the kisses and cute nicknames weren't helping any.

Felix sighs and rests his arms on top of Chan as he gives yet another kiss on the cheek.

"When is your shift over?"

"Chan, my shift just started. And don't you have to go to work?"

Chan exhales and finally pulls away and sees Felix shiver. The barista subconsciously turns around and leans into Chan, seeking the lost warmth with a small whine.

"Cold?" Chan asks with a fond smile.

"No, it's actually really hot and sunny outside, can't you see?" Felix sarcastically remarks while pointing towards the window.

"So rude," Chan mumbles. "Alright baby, I gotta go."

"Ahhh, it's cold Channie."

In one swift movement, Chan unties Felix's apron and takes off his own hoodie.


He manages to slip it on Felix without messing up his little ponytail and sees that it goes way past his waist. The sight makes Chan laugh as he kisses the top of the barista's head.

"Bye, shorty."

He leaves with a wave, and every couple of minutes, Felix takes a deep breath in through his nose and smiles to himself.

Smells like him. 


y'all these chapters look bigger on my phone 😭🤚

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