✿ fifteen ✿

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After giving his address, Felix sits silently in Chan's car. He traces the path of the oncoming raindrops on the window with his small fingers while watching the buildings whiz past him.

"What the hell, Felix?"

The boy winces at how harsh the elder's tone sounds.

"What were you doing outside so late?" Chan continues.

"...was studying."

"At eleven o'clock?"

Felix doesn't respond and Chan exhales.

"Okay. Okay. Fine. You were studying until then. You got on the bus. You fell asleep. Correct?"

Felix looks down and nods. He wonders how Chan's voice, with was usually so warm and happy, could also be this stern.

"So you wake up and you don't know where you are. Why didn't you stay on the bus?"

"I thought I could maybe find someplace that I recognized."

Chan turns back to look at the road and scoffs. 

"What was I supposed to?" Felix suddenly exclaims. 

"A number of things. For instance: call me-"

"I did call you-" Felix points out.

"-while you were on the bus."


"And, God, your phone. You didn't bother charging it. What if it died before you got to call me? What if I didn't get to you in time?"

Felix sniffles. 

"I'm sorry-"

"Is this it?"

Felix looks outside and sees a tall white apartment building standing, and without any lights shining through from other homes, it looks rather gloomy.

Felix gives a small nod and they both get out of the car, and the younger gasps as the cold air outside hits his body.

When they reach Felix's door, Chan looks at him expectantly.

"What is it?"

"Your keys, Felix," Chan deadpans.

The said boy frowns and takes out a bronze pair of keys from his bag. Chan almost snatches them and unlocks the door, walking into the place as if it is his own. 

"Did you eat?"

"Yeah, I grabbed some ramen at a sto-"


Chan disappears into the hallway, and Felix hears rummaging coming from his bedroom.

"Chan," he calls. But since it comes out as a whisper, Chan doesn't hear him.


And then the tears came.


lmao I'm just gonna join these chapters cause y'all are probably gonna riot if each chapter is this short-


As Felix cries into the palms of his hands, he feels himself being wrapped securely in a soft blanket. Chan then picks him up bridal style and sits down on the leather couch. He cradles Felix like a baby and wipes his tears with his thumbs.

"Why are you crying?"

A moment of sniffling pursues before Felix responds sarcastically.

"Because I had the best day ever."

"I will literally throw you out the window."

Felix can't help but laugh lightly in spite of everything. 

"Try again, Felix," Chan presses.

"You're mad at me," the younger says with a stuffy red nose. 

Chan sighs and brushes Felix's brown locks out of his face. 

"I'm sorry for being mean. I'm not mad at you, not entirely, at least."

This earns a pout from Felix.

"Please don't be. I'll be safer from now on, I promise."

Chan nods slowly and says, "I just worry for you Felix, and I- OW!"

Felix had punched Chan. 

"Stop calling me that!"


"I don't like it when you call me that."


Felix punches Chan again.


"That! No calling me that."

"It's literally your name. What else do you want me to call you?"

Felix pouts. "Baby. Like you always do."

Chan waits a moment before smirking. 

"You know... I think I like Felix more-"

"I figured you would say that. Now is probably the perfect time to tell you that I also prefer Chan over Channie-"

"Hey, hey now. Let's not make hasty decisions."

Felix gives a tired smile in Chan's arms as the elder plants a firm kiss on his forehead.

"Alright, baby."

Felix snuggles into Chan with a smile and sighs contently before Chan snickers.

"What?" He mumbles.

"You can barely move your arms."

"It's not my fault," Felix whines, "you're the one that wrapped me up like this."

"Little burrito," Chan coos. 

"I'm Channie's little burrito."

Chan groans. 

"Agh, don't say stuff like that, I'm gonna melt."

Felix laughs. 

"I'm Channie's little burritoooo~~~" he sings, which earns himself a peck on the nose from Chan. 



lowkey giving me those babyspace vibes

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