pt | 20

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As I woke up, I took a warm bath and slid into some hoodie and jogger pants. I got out of my room and went down to the living room. I made my way to the kitchen and saw mom preparing the table. I approached her and kissed her cheeks.

"Good morning, mom."

She smiled at me and patted my head. "Good morning."

I helped her with the table and when it was ready, I sat on the chair while staring at my mom making coffee for me. I missed those days when every morning she prepared my coffee and I'd help her with the table. And after that, we will eat together as a family before going to our different destination. My dad to his work, my mom to her little cafe and me to my school.

"Hey, darling, have a problem?" Mom asked.

I shook my head. "No, mom. I just... missed you."

She smiled at me. "I missed you too."

She handed me my mug and I happily accepted it. I sip and felt relaxed as the heat entered my throat.

"Is Yoongi-oppa already awake?" I suddenly asked.

"Yes. He's outside with your dad."

I nodded and went out of the kitchen, still handing my mug. I went to the front door and leaned myself on the doorframe. I stared at the two, sitting on the bench outside. I smiled and took a sip of my coffee.

Yoongi's head snapped to my direction. He smiled and mouthed 'Good morning'. I smiled back at him and went back inside.


"Come, let's walk to my neighborhood." I said.

"Is this a nice idea? I mean, what if they see us?" Yoongi hesitated.

I slid my feet in my slipper. Yoongi did the same.

"Don't worry, they won't mind. I'm close to my neighbors here." I assured.

"Okay, if you say so."

The two of us walked down the street. The weather was getting colder but I loved it. The sun was already setting and the cold breeze swiped my hair.

"I missed walking here. You know what, oppa? When I was still here, I always walked down this street mostly at night. It made me relax."

Yoongi looked down at me and smiled. His brows furrowed at the sight of me. "Hey, the wind is cold. Why are you just wearing shirt?"

I smiled at him assuringly. "Don't worry much about me, oppa. I'm okay. In fact, I love the cold breeze hitting my skin."


"Shh, stop worrying."

He sighed and we continued to walk. I smiled widely as I saw the vacant area where I usually hung around.

"Come, oppa!"

I grabbed Yoongi's hand and ran to the grassy area. I sat on the grass that was weakly dancing with every hit of the gentle wind. I patted the space beside me to Yoongi and he sat.

"I usually hung around here. This place is peaceful." I said.

"Yeah. I like the sound of the crickets and the howl of the wind." Yoongi nodded.

We stayed quiet and enjoying the silence around us. I stared at Yoongi as he closed his eyes and let the wind hit it, brushing his bangs out of his face. I smiled in awe. He was so perfect. He looked so peaceful and I treasure the moment that I witnessed personally his beauty. Before I could notice it, in every single day that I was with him, in every single moment that I see him laugh and smile, I already fell hard for him.

Everytime his eyes landed on me, I couldn't help it but feel blessed. Everytime I was in front of him and saw him smile, I felt my heart skipped a beat. Everytime he talked to me with his deep and sweet voice, I felt butterflies in my tummy.

What am I feeling?


No! It's love already. I already loved him since the beggining but every single day, it dived deeper and deeper in my heart.

"Hey, Y/N, are you cold?"

I blinked my eyes at the sudden voice. My thoughts were cut off by him. I smiled at Yoongi and shook my head.

"No, I'm okay."

"Are you sure? Here, take my sweater."

He took off his sweater and handed it to me.

"No, oppa. I'm okay, I'm used to this kind of cold. You better wear it back." I said.

"No, take it. Or do you want me to wear this to you?"

I frowned and just accepted his sweater. I wore it and Oh My Goodness, he smells so relaxing. I smiled.

I saw him staring at me with that soft smile curved on his lips.

"You look good in my sweater." He complimented.

"Don't flutter me." I looked away.

He chuckled and laid on the ground, opened his arms. He pointed to it and smiled. I scowled at what he was trying to say and shook my head. He narrowed his eyes at me and grabbed my wrist. That was it! Before I could realize, I was already lying beside him, head on his arm.

I bit my lip at our position. A position that I saw in movies where only a couple do.

My eyes just locked at his angelic face, not getting tired if admiring him. His eyes was straight on the sky, smiling in content.

"Look at the stars, aren't they beautiful?" He suddenly said.

I then looked at the twinkling stars above us. They were many of them scattered in the dark sky.

"You always reminds me of them, oppa."


"Like the sailors in the middle of the ocean, stars are their guide to their destination. I was like the sailor, you guided me to my destination. I made my way here because of you. And I thanked you for that."

His gaze met with mine. He smiled at me softly. "And you know what is more beautiful than the stars?"

"What is it?"


Before I could react, his lips touched mine.


Hello, my dear readers!

Thank you for patiently waiting for every update of this story. I love you all, and please take care!

Love lots,

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