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I stormed back into the bar and grabbed my jacket from the chair I was sitting at, finished the whiskey that was left in my glass, and started walking out, I felt a hand on my shoulder pull me back and I stopped and turned to see Mitch.

"What happened, Man?" He asked and I pushed him away from me and went to walk away, and he stopped me again, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me to get me to face him. When I turned around I cocked my arm back and went to swing at him when he grabbed my arm and stopped me. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He spat and I pulled my arm away and stormed from the bar, trying to manage my balance as I maneuvered the crowd to the door. Between the people dancing, and the people trying to get me to stop and talk to them, and this heavy, flighty feeling in my chest, felt like I was suffocating in here. I made it out and dialed up Jeffrey to come pick me up, he was reluctant at first but he caved and hung up, but not without making some smart ass joke about how many drinks I "must've had to get me asking for help from Jeff" and I sent him my location. I stood outside by the door waiting for him to come and I couldn't help but worry about if Vic made it back to her hotel room safely.

I waited for 15 minutes before Jeffrey pulled up and I quickly climbed in and we made our way back.

"So... what's up?" He asked weirdly and I furrowed my eyebrows and slowly looked at him.

"What?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Well, not even 10 minutes ago Mackenzie and Vic called for a ride and now you're taking... a separate car. Did... something happen?" He asked and I shook my head and looked forward.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said bluntly and we drove quietly the rest of the way, with the soft hum from the music playing softly on the radio. It was at least relieving to hear that they got a ride and were together, Vic wasn't in any shape to be going anywhere alone, drunk and in a country she's never even considered visiting before now.

"Okay well... I'm here if you-"

"Read the damn room Jeff, just stop." I spat and he raised his eyebrows at me and tilted his head, before nodding once and putting the car in drive, and started towards the hotel.

Once we arrived, he helped me to my room and made sure I drank some water before he finally left after I protested the entire time, and all I could think about was how Mackenzie's room is across the hall and if Victoria is in there with her now, or back in her room alone, and hoping Sarah and Mitch weren't close behind me after leaving. 


I don't remember falling asleep, but I woke up still fully clothed in what I wore last night and laying diagonally across the bed with my feet hanging off the edge, and I looked to see two texts from Jeff, and one from Mitch. Mitch's was him letting me know he and Sarah got back safely last night, and Jeffrey's was asking me to let him know when I was awake, and that he needed to work some things out with me, I decided to ignore them both for the meantime and shower off the debris from last nights disaster.

Once I was finally put together I texted Jeffrey back letting him know I was awake, and would meet him at the bus in 20. Getting ready felt like a task, and every step towards the parking lot felt heavy, I just wanted to go back to bed for a little longer. I didn't remember the ride to the venue being this... bumpy, but the combination of water, a piece of toast, and whatever alcohol was left in my stomach from last night, wasn't sitting very well right now.

I managed to survive the car ride without vomiting in the backseat, and walked very slowly to the bus, keeping my head low and my hand over my eyes to keep the sun out of them. I stepped up the stairs and on to the bus, taking a seat at the small booth in the kitchen, across from Jeff.

The Photographer - h.sNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ