The spot

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He parked the car along the side of the road and looked over to me smiling.

" this where you murder me and hide the body? Because I watch a lot of criminal minds and I'll know what to do." I told him and he laughed and shook his head. He took the keys from the ignition and unseatbelted himself and I followed his lead.

"No, I'm not going to kill" He opened his door and hopped out, I climbed from his large car and closed the door walking around the back and met him on his side as he closed the back door and held a bag in his hand. "Let's go." He said and grabbed my hand pulling me along behind him on to a trail in the woods. He let go of my hand and pulled a flashlight from his bag and handed it to me and grabbed another for himself and we lit up the trail, I just hope I trip and fall on my ass trying to keep up with Harry.

We walked for a few more minutes before we reached the end of the tree line and were faced with a large dirt ledge looking over the city. He walked forward towards the ledge and I was blown away, I didn't know a place like this existed, I didn't know a view like this existed for me to be apart of. I pulled my phone and captured this moment in a few photos... I wish I grabbed my camera from the backseat before I got out. I walked forward and stood beside him looking out to the view, I sat down on the ground and crossed my legs in front of me as Harry crouched down to join me in the dirt.

"This...doesn't even look real." I spoke quietly and I heard him chuckle softly.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" He asked and I turned to look at him, he turned to me and smiled, it was warm and his features were soft in the glowing light from the busy city. "This is where I like to go to just....not be a person for a while." He told me and I looked back out to the lights. "It just reminds me how... just now small I am compared to all of this. Each one of those lights is someone's life, someone is living their life and we have no idea..." he said and I smiled softly, he was right though. Every light has someone and their life in it, someone I haven't ever even seen before.

"Sometimes I like to make imagine...just what's behind each of those...stars. That one is...that one is a single father coming home from a long day at work to his daughter waiting for him with the sitter, trying to do her homework...." he pointed out to the skyline and then pointed to another "and that one belongs to a tired college student with a full time job, just so she can make ends meet and try and pursue her dream." He said and i smiled, it brought me such joy and warmth listening to Harry dream about the realities before us.

"And that one..." I said and pointed out into a different direction "that one is a girl who moved to the city to try and make something of herself. She had an audition today and now she's making herself an easy dinner waiting by the phone for her results. She doesn't know it yet but she's gonna get the part." I said and I felt Harry look over to me, I looked to him and locked eyes with him.

"Where's your favorite place? Everyone has that one place they go where they can just...not have a defense up.. even if it's just for a second..." he said and I thought about it for a moment and smiled. For was a small field along a hiking trail and off the path. Every year around the end of summer the sunflowers start to grow along with other wildflowers through the field adding some splashes of orange and red around the ocean of yellow.

"It's a secret spot, if I tell you, it won't be my secret spot anymore." I told him and she shook his head. "Harry?" I asked and he hummed and nodded lightly to me. "Your favorite person in the world- if you had to pick, who is it?" I asked and he tilted his head and looked back out to the lights before back at me. I wanted to know his answer, I wanted to know who keeps him afloat.

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