Chapter Twenty

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  • Venované My patient readers :)

I glared at my useless phone.

It hadn't worked right for the last six days.

I mean, seriously, the stupid thing was missing signal or something.

I sighed and locked my eyes at the marble floor.

My mind was trying to make really dumb assumptions as to why a certain hot someone hadn't called me.

The first days, I tried to play it cool. Even though we were moving to London and getting all the things out of the boxes or in my case, bags, I tried to take the phone everywhere, just in case he called me.

And when I say everywhere, I mean it.

I hate to admit, but I even took it to the bathroom. Who knows when he would call? I definitely didn't want to miss that. So I did the unthinkable, and discreetly, placed it in the back of my jeans when I needed to use the loo.

I don't think Kate noticed my obsession. And if she did, she was acting really nice about it, because she never uttered a word about it.

The rest of the days passed out like that.

Only yesterday...I started to glare at the useless device.

There had to be something wrong with it.

I mean, yeah. I got my mom's calls. And Kate's. And Hugh's. But not the one that I was truly expecting.

Not even a freaking text.

So, today, I started to imagine pathetic excuses to keep myself calm. But at 5:00 pm I was running out of them.

I knew why he hadn't called.

I just didn't want to accept it.

Pathetic. I know.

The thing that got me the most was how much I wanted him to call me.

First of all, I always knew that whatever happened wouldn't last. We lived in completely different worlds. One thing is to get along in the countryside, where you can be yourself without worries and expectations, pretty much like a summer fling...but I knew he had to go back to his day by day basis...and I don't think I could fit in there...

The thing that was getting on my nerves was how hard it was to keep my mind off him...

...I could still feel the tingly feeling of my swollen lips after he kissed me...

...the clenching of my stomach when he was around...

...the goose bumps that rose on my skin wherever he touched me...

...the dryness of my mouth whenever his dark chocolate eyes locked with mine...

Honestly...what was wrong with me?!

Never in my life I felt like this.

Not with Sam.

His kisses, his touch, his smile...they vanished the first moment Scott came into my life.


How on earth was I supposed to get over this?!

I closed my eyes as I felt them brimming with tears.

Suck it up, Emily.

This is only the beginning...those were his words...

I should be thankful that it ended before it started. Right?

"Emily?" A dark voice called my name bringing me out of my misery.

My eyes looked up and I found myself in front of a blonde guy. He had blue eyes and had somewhat of a rocker look going on. His faded jeans were ripped at the knee. He even had a black leather jacket on top of a grey shirt.

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