Chapter Forty-Five

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"How could this happen, Sean?!"

"Weren't YOU supposed to be looking out for things like this?!"

A series of thumping on the hall woke me up. As I paid attention to the angry voice, I noticed that it was Scott's. He was furious. Grabbing the cozy pink sweater Mom had given to me a few years ago, I opened the door trying to find out what had caused such riot inside the house.

The sight in front of me made my heart start to race. Sean slumped on the rail case, Mom was eyeing him apologetically and Scott was furiously stomping through the tiny hall pulling his hair and waving what looked like a crumpled magazine on his right hand.

"What's going on?" I asked warily.

Scott froze on the spot.  He was breathing heavily. His chocolate eyes were even darker than usual. They portrayed how angry he was. My heart was pumping so furiously inside my ribcage that I'm sure they heard it. Slowly, I walked to him and pulled the magazine out of his hands.

"Emily don't."

I ignored him.

A large lump formed in my throat as I saw my picture on the front cover. Me and Sam. We were laughing and his arms were around me. It was back in Cali. You could see the beach in the background and a few torches around us. This picture was taken the night he proposed to me. I looked absolutely happy around him. The title of the magazine read "The American charade. The truth behind Emily." My eyes widened as I turned to look at Scott. I'm not sure if I showed how panicked I was but Scott quickly snapped the magazine off my trembling hands and passed an arm around my waist as he pulled me to him.

"That bastard gave an interview from Paris" Scott turned to glare at Sean.

"What did he say?" My voice was high pitched.

Scott breathed hard beside me. "Nothing of importance, Em..." he didn't sound confident. At most, he sounded pissed and really stressed about it. I tried to pry the magazine off him but he held it higher. "It's not worth it."

"You read it!" I gestured exasperated with my hands.

"I had to" He answered calmly.


"Scott" Sean cleared his throat, "your highness has requested a meeting with you." He winced as his eyes turned to me, "both of you."

Scott closed his eyes. Pulling apart, he leaned on the wall clenching his hands into fists. My still wide eyes turned from Scott to Sean, who was looking at the floor awkwardly.

"In half an hour" He added after a moment.

"Bloody hell Sean!" Scott snapped.

"What?!" My voice came out like a shriek and I clasped a hand to my mouth.

I was going to meet the Queen under this circumstances?!!!

"Scott" My mom stepped in front of us. "Be mature about this. This is not Sean's fault and you know it." She paused to let her words sink in. "You'll regret your attitude sooner or later." Addressing to me she added, "You should better hurry Emily, take a quick shower and try to compose yourself."

Ok. I was panicking. It was pretty evident. But I mean, I had to meet the Queen and under this circumstances! I was pretty sure what her opinion on this whole matter was going to be. Actually, I knew exactly what she wanted us to do. I couldn't see the point on me going, other that she wanted to humiliate me or something. Yet, I couldn't turn her down and not show up. She would reel on that. So, I did what I was supposed to do. I sucked it up and tumbled around the hall to get to the bathroom. Scott stayed rooted to his place clenching his fists and looking to the side.

Prince with BenefitsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara