Chapter Twenty-five

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Everything happened in slow motion.

Scott's hand grabbed me gently by the back of my neck and pulled me to him, covering my face completely. He screamed at Sean who was already passing us by. From the distant sound of his steps, I could tell he was running somewhere. I heard Scott yell at someone else, still holding me, so no one could see my face.

"Carl, give me the glasses." Scott's voice was completely angered.

He let go of me and I slowly pulled back, warily. His jaw was clenched and his eyes roamed all around us furiously. Without looking at me, he handed me the big glasses I had worn yesterday.

Without a word, I put them on and looked to the side towards the guy that had given them to him. He was a blonde, muscular guy dressed as a tourist, with a large camera on the front and a black backpack hanging on his shoulder. Had he been with us all along? How could I not notice about him?

My mind was completely blank.

I was completely clueless at what was going on...

"We have to go" Scott stated harshly. He didn't wait for my answer; he simply grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the cab that Carl, the other bodyguard, I presumed, had stopped.

The ride was silent and awkward. As soon as the door closed, the only sound that you could hear was Scott's continued murmured cursing. Without letting my hand go, he ran the other free hand over and over his hair, in a frustrated manner.

Why is he so mad about?

I go get the fact that the us part would become public and I should have been fretting and cursing and whatnot, just like him...but I wasn't...and that was disturbing...

I mean, we were strolling around Paris, so people where bound to see us at some point, wasn't it? And if they don't, we would still go out back in London...or at least I hoped...


Maybe...just MAYBE...he didn't want people to know about us because he actually didn't mean this to be something serious?

Isn't that what I wanted? Then...why does it bother me?


I looked outside to where Sean might have disappeared to, when Scott's phone rang.

"You got him?!" his face was turned towards the window and his grip on my hand tightened.

A second later he growled, "I want to talk to him."

I bit my lip. After a few seconds of silence, I blurted out "Are you ok?"

The moment the words left my mouth I wanted to slap myself. What kind of question was that? They guy was completely angered about this whole thing, so he obviously wasn't ok.

"Stupid question" I mumbled, "forget it. It's obvious you are pissed, so there's no need to answer that..." I rambled looking outside the window. I heard Scott sighing beside me and he let go of my hand, to cup my chin.

Gently, he turned me so I could look at him, "I'm not mad at you."

I shrugged, "I know."

I mean, I didn't do anything wrong. I knew he was mad at the whole thing. Even Sean and Carl who was getting quite some glares from his part. Not at me.

That brought him a smile, "of course, you do..." I smiled back at him. I couldn't see his eyes or pretty much half of his face since he was wearing the same sunglasses as yesterday. Still, that smirk that was slowly appearing at his lips made my cheeks warm a little bit. He leaned closer to me, but was interrupted by Carl clearing his throat and then awkwardly saying, "We are at the Ritz, sr."

Prince with BenefitsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon