Welcome to Crystal Cove

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It's  early  afternoon, a 2008 jet black  tinted windows flat hooded dodge charger is seen driving down the highway. In the driver seat is a young teen eating  his food from his favorite fast food place (insert  restaurant name) he takes a sip his favorite flavor pop (insert flavor)  when his Uncle  says from the passage seat

???:Y/n how you feeling  for a fresh start.

Y/n: to be honest Uncle Bryder I  fear it will be no different here I fear just like back at H/t High I will have no friends besides my books.

Bryder L/n: I  sure it will be different  sport a fresh start will do good besides  I think  it do you could to come back where your parents and I used to live before leaving it is where your mom  meet your dad who knows  maybe  you will  meet someone to.

You blushes at your uncle Bryder's comment. You didn't  know  how to react to it your uncle Bryder  told  you of your parents and how you're so like them. He told you how how you look just like  your father but got most of your mothers traits. He  told you how you got your love of mystery  solving  from them.  You were told of your  father's group of friends  he used to solve mysteries with but the last mystery  was so dangerous uncle  Bry and your mother begged him to not take part and so the 3 left Crystal Cove they later heard that the group of kids your dad  was  apart of  mysteriously vanished. He told you he didn't care if you solved mystery or what ever he just asked to always return to him cause you are all he had left and  if you are going  to not be home on time  or staying  out all night to call and tell  him.  You continue  on with all your  train of thoughts  but in the end you had 2 questions in your mind 'will  I  be  able to make my parents proud and will I  truly  have what they had'. For the rest of the drive was   in silence until you arrived in the city parking  outside  the  realtor office Uncle Bryder and  you got out of your  car and threw your trash  away.

Bryder: Y/n I  am going to be going  in to find us a house and get everything  situated then I will go next door. I  need to transfer to this bank I will get us new debit cards  that will be attached to both saving and checking  accounts. I will no doubt be a while  probably about an hour so go check out the town abit if your not here when I am done I  will  pick you up from where ever ok.

Y/n: ok uncle  see you in little awhile.

With that you  walked  off while Uncle  Bry goes to do those to things.  You wander  around  taking  in the sights 'so this is where my uncle, father, and  mother grew up' you continue to wander  around  aimlessly  when you then see  a car dealership  you smile thinking 'That seems like a good place to look  my uncle  will be  needing a new car after all since we only have mine ever  since his died' You decided to walk around and look to see if any car catches my eye. That's  when you spotted it the perfect car for  uncle Bryder. After you found it you took a picture sending it to uncle Bry and walked off to tour the city more. You walking down Main street passed city   hall.  However as you walk passed you bump into someone who exits city hall. You both fall on the ground. You helped  him up the man dust his suit off clearly unhappy after some quick  deduction by his suit and him exiting city  hall you come to believe he was either the Mayor or he was a businessman man coming from a meeting  for the mayor.

Mayor Jones: Tickling chin whiskers, watch where you're  going young man

Y/n: I  am sorry sir, I destracted getting  familiar with this town I  didn't  paying very good attention.

Mayor Jones: Say, wait a minute  I  don't  recall  every seeing you before and did  you  just say  your new in town.

Y/n: Yes sir my uncle and I  are moving  here from H/t  my uncle told me to get familiar  with our new home while he sorts out get us a place and working some things out at the bank *sticks  out hand* names Y/n L/n pleasure  to  meat you sir.

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