Beware the Beast below part 2

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3rd pov:

Prof. Raffalo: "Couldn't you kids wait until break."

They put the body on the table. Y/n just walks up and begins examining  the body  and getting  samples and putting  them in test tube secretly. He does this all while they are talking he put the items away with out the professor or the group seeing. He then goes back to examining the body.

Y/n: *mutters* "marveless  he appears  to be cocooned  in  organic material that put the body in a dehydrated state while he  may seem dead he is quite alive and it seems that the cocoon is only temporary."

???3: "Who is he? I  don't  think I  seen him before."

Prof. Raffalo:  *proudly* "He is a new student who is Highly intelligent answer  the hardest question easily  while the rest of my students  couldn't."

Y/n: "Well I wouldn't  say  that  professor  it wasn't that hard of a question."

Prof. Raffalo: " Well...."

???4: "l hate to interrupt but, we have a body on the table and  no idea what happened!"

Prof. Raffalo:  "Oh right sorry"

The professor gets  a stethoscope begins  examining the  body.

???4: "is he....."

Prof. Raffalo:  "No he is very much alive and as the boy said *gestures to Y/n* he seems  to  be in a temporary  hydrated state.*removes his stethoscope* your fellow peer is correct the cocoon seems to be organic  but I have to run more test to know more now the sheriff does know about this and okayed it right."

???1: "Uh-Uh-O-Of course, w-w-what you think we just stole a body? That's  rich."

As he said this he pushes his friends  out the door. The professor smiles at  them but not a kind smile no this was an evil smile that someone makes when they plan something bad. What the professor didn't know was that    Y/n saw.

Y/n: 'The mayor son obviously  was lieing about the sheriff  knowing  which leaves me to believe he stole it and brought it here with out anyone knowing also the professor  seems up to something that smile says that he up to no good  I  better keep an eye on him' "Well I have to go professor see you tomorrow."

Prof. Raffalo: "Oh yes bye Mr. L/n"

With that Y/n grabbed his 2 bags and head out he leaves the school an begins  heading  home  when he sees  the group who brought the cocooned  body in he stops  and  waits  for them to approach.

???1: "Hi there your the new guy my dad told me about right."

Y/n: "Let me guess your Mayor Jones  son."

???1: "Yeah I am Fred Jones Jr. This is Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and his dog Scooby." *he points to each as he says there name*

Daphne: "Hi there nice to meet you" *gives a small wave*

Velma: "Hi nice to meet you"

Shaggy: "Hi"

Scooby: "hello"

Y/n was alittle taken back by the talking dog but shrugged it off.

Y/n: "Hello nice to meet you all my name is Y/n."

Fred: "we were all going to go to Fruitmirers to hang out wanna join"

Y/n was shocked because no one  ever  wanted to hang out with him sure he gamed with others online but never has any peer asked to hang out. He look away blushing as he doesn't totally know how to interact with peers. Daphne and Velma thought seeing him like  that was quite attractive.

Y/n: *blushes looking away quietly says* "Sure if you guys  are  willing to let me tag along  I like that"

With that they all got in the blue and green van. Y/n hops up front with Fred and Daphne while Scooby Velma and Shaggy sat in the back. It  was  a quiet drive for 5 minutes  when Daphne asked  me a question.

Daphne: "So Y/n  you new to Crystal  Cove how you like  it  so far?"

Y/n:*smiles* "It's  pretty  nice my uncle  and  I  just came  here last Thursday."

Shaggy: "Like, so where you and your uncle  staying?"

Y/n: "The Old Harrison Place my uncle and I just finished fixing  it  up and furnishing it Sunday."

Shaggy: *shakes* "Like, you live there you know it's said to be h-h-h-haunted."

Scooby: "Reah huanted!"

Y/n: *shrugs* "I  been  there sense  Thursday no haunting or anything paranormal activities as of yet."

After that the gang got to Fruitmirers  Y/n text his uncle. Tell him he will be little late.

Franklin Fruitmirers:" Welcome  everyone  to Fruitmirers remember  it's not icecream, it's not yogert, I don't know what it is. Would anybody like a shrimp boat made out of circus  balloons."

Velma: "I don't get what is this stuff"

Shaggy: "you heard Franklin  Fruitmirers it's  a secret which why they call it..."

Shaggy and scooby: "fruitmirers" *begins sloppily eating it while  the gang looks in discussed  so they turn away*

The gang  walk out fred says how if it really is organic  that they may have a real monster y/n ask weren't  all the monster in this town real they said no and Daphne  say they all  turned  out to be guys or girls  in costume or there invention. Velma started talking  about it being created by the toxic waste. She tried  to  hold shaggy's hand but he ran away  yelling about getting more fruitmirers

Y/n pov: I watch the retreating  shaggy. 'It seems  that there a something going on  between  Velma and Shaggy Velma wants  to  be open  but Shaggy  doesn't want to go public hmmm'

Daphne: "Velma is something going  on between you and shaggy"

Velma:*clearly  upset* "no of corse not  what possibly could be going  on  between me and shaggy" *she storms off*

Y/n:'you just prove my theory and by my guess he is not  wanting  to  know  scooby  reaction'

Daphne: *sighs leans into fred dreamily* "looks like it's  just you and me"

Fred:"don't be silly  Daphne Y/n still here"

Daphne looks  see I  was there I  feel  awkward  and  bad for ruining the  moment Daphne try to set after that we got in the mystery machine. We got to Daphne  place and you decided  to  walk Daphne to her door saying  how your uncle would disapprove not doing so. As we walk I put my hands  in my pocket and as you slowly reach her door.

Y/n:"I will try talking to Fred on the way back."

Daphne:"thanks Y/n"

With that we made it to her door. I smile and was about to leave as she heads in but her  mother  opens the door.

Mrs.Blake:"Oh Daphne I thought I  heard you who's your friend"

Daphne:"oh mom this is my new friend  Y/n and Y/n this is my mom"

Y/n:"a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Blake I hate to cut this short but I must get home for dinner I hope we can talk again see at school Daphne"

With that I turn and jog back  to  the van. With Mrs.Blake and  Daphne  watching.

Nan pov:

I watch the young  boy retreating figure. There is something interesting  about him. That boys different that's for sure.

Mrs.Blake:"Daphne  let's  have a talk"

My daughter only nods as she walks in I shut the door.

Sorry I  haven't  updated  this story in awhile  I  will finish the Beware the Beast below when I  upload  part 3.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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