First Day

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September 24th, 2021

My alarm wakes me up, reminding me to get up for class. I turn over to turn it off and see a text from my mom.

"Have a great first day love; ps-- we still have to talk about what happened in Nighbury Falls, don't forget to call me tonight. I need to make sure you're okay. xoxo"

"Of course, thanks mom," I reply.

I put the phone down and throw on a thrifted band tee and jeans with some Vans. I put my hair into a ponytail and put on some makeup. A little blush, some mascara, highlight, filled my brows, and eyeliner. I smudge the eyeliner on my eyes to give off a "please don't talk to me, because I don't want to talk to you" look--and because it's just cute as hell. I put on a few necklaces and earrings that I thrifted from a while ago and grab my book bag and the keys to the car. I step outside, and it's kind of chilly out. I probably should've checked the weather, but I honestly just didn't feel like it.

As I get into the car, I put in the directions for East Veridian and begin to drive off. It's 8:00 in the morning, so there isn't really that much traffic. It's kind of foggy out, so I make sure I use my high beams when needed. I finally reach the cutoff point where you can easily tell that you are no longer in Nighbury Falls. Then a realization hits me. I never did anything with that video of the clerk from the mini-market. I threatened to do something, and I did absolutely nothing. With all of the Ken stuff going on, I've completely forgotten about it. Is it even worth bringing up now after almost a full two weeks without saying anything? Absolutely, I must get that video into the right hands; he had no right treating me--or anyone else for that matter--like that.

I'm approaching the huge East Veridian gold and green sign, and I make a right in that direction. As I'm approaching, I have to stop because there is a station set up. A man with a dark green vest and khaki pants walks up to my window and motions for me to let the window down.

"Ma'am, I'm going to need to see your school ID before you enter, please," the man says, bent down at my window.

"Oh, um, I don't have one yet, I'm new," I say, not knowing I had to have my ID to get in.

"What's your name?"

"Parker, Parker Meyers," I reply.

"Just a moment, please." He goes back into his station and taps the keys on his computer. He returns in less than a minute.

"Sorry about that; you're in the system, so you're good to go. We'll get your ID printed off for you, and you can pick it up in the office before you leave today." He says. He smiles and lifts up the guards, allowing me to pass through. I drive into the student section and find an open space. I turn the car off, grab my things, and head towards the building. This school is huge. When I say huge, I mean like Yale huge. I just know I'm going to get lost. The buildings all look old but expensive. They look like they've been here for over a hundred years, but I just know they look gorgeous on the inside. All of the buildings are cathedral-like and are a beige color. There were acres of grass all around, and stone pathways that lead to different parts of campus. There were signs around that pointed you in the right direction where you needed to go, and thankfully, I have a tour guide assigned to me, which I'm going to go meet now.

There weren't a lot of people out because I doubt a lot of people have 8 o'clock classes. I saw people wearing shorts in this cold weather, which I will never understand. I'm looking left and right at all the signs to try and find the student center, where I'm supposed to be meeting Tobias, my tour guide. On my way to the student center, I see some of the dorms. They shouldn't even be called dorms because they look like condos. They were side by side and were the same color as everything else. I don't even want to know how much it costs to live in one of those. One of the dorms was named Thorne Hall, and I could just make out the other one called Chambers Suites. I wonder who these places were named after.

After I walk about what feels like a mile and a lot of steps, I'm in front of the student center. It's just as big as the other buildings with people gathered around the front. They have doors with their hours printed on them. I make my way around the people, with them staring at me. I wonder if they can tell that I'm new. I'm inside, and as soon as I enter, I see a cute man with brown chocolate skin, and he's wearing a key-lime green sweater vest with some khakis and loafers. He has on a few stacked necklaces like I do, and I get excited. As I'm checking him out, I notice his name tag, and oh my god. His name is Tobias. He glances up at me from his clipboard and sees me staring at him.

Shit, he probably thinks I was being weird; I know he saw me checking him out.

"Hello, are you Parker..." he elongated my name, while his eyes move frantically across his clipboard. "Parker Meyers?" he asks.

"Yes, that's me, affirmative," I say.

What the hell am I doing, act normal, stupid!!

I smile and reach my hand out. He shakes it with a firm grip and motions his hand to follow him.

"I'm Tobias," he says while walking and showing off his badge. "I'm going to be your tour guide for today. I have your schedule right here... tsk tsk tsk... Ah, so let's begin."

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