"You are cooked, Jenn wants to eat....."

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Sometimes I fail to understand how some people can be incredibly annoying at one moment yet are the ones without whom you can't live. The irony of the situation makes me wonder whether it is possible.

And of course I know it is quite possible. 

The living proof is the fact that I am best friends with two such people who are currently sitting in front of me deciding whether I should have worn heels or shoes yesterday when I ran from the party.

Jess thinks that I would have made a huge fashion blunder if I had worn shoes beneath an evening dress and would have made me look like the biggest fashion-sense-lacking-idiot. She thinks it's better to trip down thousand times while running up the hills then to make an appearance with shoes under a gown.

While on the other hand, Jake thinks that I should have worn running shoes before hand only so that I would have been way ahead of Ace.

"Let me say it for the 19th time : I didn't plan to run before only. It was the situation which made me run." I said trying to break through their stupid-endless-nonsensical banter. 

"Oh shush. We are busy." Both of them said in unison. 

God give me the fucking strength to handle these two.

At that very moment our order came which silenced both the parties of the most sensible debate competition going on. They both stopped fighting like nothing happened and they weren't fighting since the last 26 minutes. 

These guys really seem to learn something from me.

They attacked the food and I made sure to do the same with the burgers and fries before it vanished under the attack of the other two foodies like me. 

I was really tired because of my venturing since three in the afternoon. After coming from the orphanage, I called the driver to drop me to the new house where I and Mr. Apathetic live. I have decided to call that house - 'the hell house' . while I would be calling John and Jennifer's home as - 'the homely house'.

I went to the 'hell house' to get some of my personal and important things like my charger, some books, some undergarments etc. etc. Jenn told me in the afternoon that I would be staying in the 'homely house' for some time because some more family members are going to join us after a week or so and she would like me to meet them. She also said that she wants to spend time with me. I, obviously, agreed instantly. Anything was better than staying alone in a house with Mr. Apathetic. 

So after taking my things, I went to the bookstore to buy a book which I was dreading to read but it was the only book which was not in the massive library in the 'Hell house'.

I had my savings left as I no longer had to pay bills or rent and thus had saved a fair amount of money. I do not plan on using a penny of Mr. Apathetic's money. I would use the left money and then think of something else. After buying the book, I went to the adjoining electronic shop wherein I found a camera which made me want to buy it,  the second I laid my eyes on it. It was DSLR camera which required quite an amount of money. I didn't have that much money, but I was determined to buy it. So I noted down the details like Model, company etc. of the camera so that I can buy it when I have the money.

Today I realized something, I need to be financially independent. I can't sit down at one place waiting for someone(even though it is my temporary husband) to help me. I am going to look for a new job. I don't want to continue working in the cafe right now. I, for the first time in my life, have the leisure to do anything. So I want to try something different. I had made a mental note to think about this later.

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