"can't deny but the feeling is mutual "

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Hey my readers!!!! Some of you may be wondering what does Mr. Apathetic mean, You know because I or rather Eva is using this this word repeatedly. Actually Apathetic word means lacking interest or desire to act or simply being stoic. So Ace as we all know is that kind of person who isn't interested in having fun or taking interest in anything interesting also he is a stoic, arrogant and lacks emotions. This is why Eva calls him Mr. Apathetic. If you can think of any other interesting nicknames for any of them then do comment below! Till then love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I know I blabbered a lot and trust me that is something I hate about myself(To be honest I behave like a meek cat in front of strangers and relatives but with friends, myself and Wattpad, I am a nonsense chatterbox) ;)


I was still shocked as to what the hell is Mr. Apathetic doing here. I must be looking like a twisted girl with my eyes and mouth frozen wide open in an expression of stunned surprise.

I knew that my smart mouth lands me in trouble.

Today I got to know 

If it s not my mouth then it is my face.

My facial expressions make me look as beautiful as Edna "E" Mode(from Incredibles) when she smiles.

Congratulations Eva!

Edward's expressions were priceless. First he had a look of confusion maybe because of Ace's sudden appearance.

Then his face made an expression of astonishment because he didn't expect me to be Ace's wife.

Then his face showed realization. Oh! That is why he was saying that I was familiar, he must have seen me in the newspaper.

Now his face was showing a mixture of disappointment, fear and surprise.

It took all my strength not to laugh at his expressions. 

Not to mention that he looked cute!

I finally, after a lot of self control, managed to keep a straight face.

Then Ace smirked and came towards me with long strides. He then stood beside me and draped an arm around my waist firmly. I took a sharp intake of breath because of his action. 

Did I mention that I am kind of claustrophobic?  

Not with everyone, only with hot men.


I tried to calm down and ignore the sparks flying where he touched. But the key word being 'tried'. My heart was pounding as if it was doing salsa inside with the left and right chambers as partners.

"So Mr. Whittman, what were you saying or rather doing? Embracing my wife in your arms?" Ace asked with an innocent face.

"Oh not at all Mr. Parker. I was just helping Eva as she tripped down." Edward said meekly. 

Wow, see the authority of this Apathetic person.

"Oh! thank you for helping my wife. Now I would like to clear some things. First of all I see you both are on a first name basis, so should I assume you both know each other very well?" Ace said looking between me and Edward. When neither of us replied Ace continued.

"Well anyways. Secondly, I know my wife is really beautiful and many men may develop a temptation of showing their gentlemen ways a little bit too much. But sorry, I think I am enough for my wife and more than enough to handle such men. I hope you keep this in mind next time." Ace said with a loathing smile. 

Ace Of Hearts(#Book1 in ACE series)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora