Chapter Nine: Open the Void

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Greg sat on his bed, head slumped, his hands pressed to the sides of it. He wore the amber robes of the enemy. The enemy he was masquerading as. It was hard to blend in to a group he was so opposed to. And now he had their symbol on his finger. Feeding off of him.

The ring shone in an eerie light. The light of the room seemed to drain into it. It's influence whispered into his ear.

Greg tried to shake off the dreadful mood he was in but he couldn't. All of his joy and energy had slowly left him as he integrated further and further into the life of the Andanobii.

And tomorrow he was to be tested. He had to open the void.

He had heard rumors of what happened when you first opened the void of the ring. That a demon would come out and take your kindness, that you would never be truly happy ever again.

He had also heard that after the void was opened, the ring would begin leeching into your soul. And you would give into the ring for its shadow powers. It would share you its magical secrets, but for a price.

Your life.

Greg was usually calm and collected but his hands got clammy just thinking about it. The elemental warriors couldn't have sent me here knowing this, Greg thought worriedly. They couldn't have, could they? He had been brooding on that for over an hour.

Greg had already learned so much about the Andanobii. He was supposed to Winderlate after the void ceremony to report to Fypalenor about what he had learned thus far. However, he feared that the ceremony would cripple his will, that he'd lose his resolve for justice and fall firmly into the hands of the enemy. Or worse, that he would die. Or even worse yet, be found out and tortured.

Greg looked down at the silver ring and it winked back up at him. I hope you're better off than me, Max...

Greg stood before the Council of Three once more. Their cloaked hoods were ever over their faces, concealing their identities.

"Gregory," a soft male voice spoke, smooth as ice flow, cold as the Alerdreamian winter "It is time. Summon up the power of shadows and darkness. Open yourself to it and summon the void for us, the Council of Three, to behold."

Greg tried not to let his utter terror show. He had laid awake in his bed all night in hopes that he could think of a rational way to survive this. He couldn't think of one, even after he had worried about it all night. Finally, he had fallen asleep, but only two hours before the ceremony.

The ring shone on his finger. And he felt the urge to run simmer inside of him. He wished he was anywhere but where he actually was but he had no choice in the matter. He had accepted the mission knowing good and well that he might never see Kayo again. Feel her soft hair....

His resolve hardened into a stone in his gut. This was for Kayo. This was for Alerdreamia as a whole and he would not fail, he couldn't.

Greg opened up his aura, touching out to the rings dark radiance, letting the two powers merge. He felt the connection solidify and he shuddered as the darkness slunk up his arm and into his body. Greg took a deep breath, settling his nerves. "I'm ready," he stated.

"Then please, go ahead," a voice hissed in wait.

Greg opened his eyes. With utmost care, he uttered "Inanis." Greg felt his aura burn inside of him but nothing appeared around him.

But something did happen to the ring.

As the female council woman stood, she sent a sword of shadow blasting at Greg with deadly precision. The ring rippled with energy and Greg's insides churned with darkness as the otherworldly void opened. The sword flashed into the void and Greg felt as it did, like a drop of water on the back of his neck.

He felt the darkness eat off his aura, devouring his life force hungrily. He willed the void to close but that only expanded it further, causing it to swell to almost twice its original size, devouring his energy still, burning through it faster and faster as the void swelled further and further.

All of the Three now stood. One of their hoods was dropped and the collar of the amber cloak was high behind their neck. He had a smooth complexion and rugged jaw. His hair was a pale gold with a streak of rust down the left side. Greg saw all this as the void opened ever larger and his aura dwindled evermore.

"Stop!" He shouted.

"He can't, Xensor!"

The voice of malice spoke quickly, not scared, but worried "Frost," he said, addressing Xensor "do something!"

Xensor reached for something in the folds of his robes but as soon as he did, the air darkened. Shadows swirled around the room and blood chilling bellows raked the air, causing Greg's body to rack in pain.

The Three tried to fend off the shadows but they whirled around them, blasting them with black bolts of lightning. The woman screamed as the bolt struck her chest. She yelled a spell through the pain and she sublimated into a rocket of black shadows, which zipped out the now open door.

Xensor soon followed, protecting himself with a shield of bright, white energy. The last figure turned their cowled face towards Gregory.

The Andanobian looked at Greg, eyes still hidden but felt "Live, boy," He spoke, his voice low but his words strong "Yours is a fine, important destiny, one that others could only imagine. You hold a powerful, dark gift and vast potential, greater than you know, one that others must so seek." Greg found it hard to follow his words, his vision and hearing going in and out. The Andanobian continued darkly "I can't help you here. Live to serve me. To be my greatest weapon. The kingdom shall fall." And like that, the soft voiced figure sank through the ground, like he was but a shadow himself.

Before Greg could even think on what the Councilman had said, the shadows expanded, encasing the whole room. Greg felt his aura expand as well, all his power pour out of his body. You are my entryway, a soft voice whispered in Greg's ear. I'm coming for her, so let me in.

And Greg did. He couldn't hold anything back anymore and he slumped to the ground as his aura gave a immense pulse and sparked out of existence.

And the shadows bended backwards, curling outward like turning a page. A white light spilled from the gap in the darkness and suffused the room with a holy brilliance, the light chasing away the darkness, purging the room of its inky filth.

And with none aware, something came through the light.

The figure's feet softly touched down on the floor. Their well muscled figure stretched for the first time since their departure from the earth. Their hair was windswept and the black locks dangled in front of soft, brown eyes. A faint gold light pulsed around the tall figure.

"I'm back," Lloyd whispered. "I'm back for you, Sybil." He let the golden light around him morph and shift. The light arced up his bare back and spread across his shoulders. The light darkened and finally settled into a large set of black wings.

He looked back at them and stroked the soft plumage with one hand, testing their strength. The wings flapped twice slowly as his knees wobbled slightly and he pushed off the ground, flying upward on the night breeze. Soaring up through the open dome and into the the autumn sky.

And following his heart, Lloyd Harbor, flew for Sybil.
DragonDog1: There is nothing for me to say. Just let this sink in. Hope you enjoyed, feel free to comment and vote.

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