Chapter Nineteen: Lloyd's Hate

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Sybil pushed him away from herself and clutched her sides "I told you to leave," she said "so leave."Lloyd gave her a hurt look "How many times can I say sorry, Sib? Why can't you trust it will never happen again now that I'm with you. Why!?"

Sybil resisted the urge to recant what she had said "You're different now, Lloyd. You used to be so loving, not just to me, to everyone, but now..." She let the statement trail off; he knew what she meant.

Lloyd's eyes flashed from brown to black, dark as the starless night, Sybil noticed it, if only for a second, and felt herself go cold and begin to tremble.

Lloyd snarled softly "You don't know what I've been through for you, all I had to go through to get back to you, the pain, the struggle, the fear. But now I'm back, and you reject me!? Do you really hate me that much, Sib!?" His voice was lathered with pain and full of anger.

Sybil felt sad for him, she really did, but she knew it went deeper then not wanting him for the people he killed. She tried to put it into to words, but failed to. Her lips parted, only a single word croaked out from her "Lloyd..."

He looked at her with hurt in his eyes "Fine, fine, hate me, despise me. I'm leaving." Shadows shifted and black wings sprouted on his back, stretching out as he opened them. "Goodbye, Sybil. Don't you worry about me anymore, time for you to watch your own back. Don't bother waiting around for me."

Sybil watched as he took off into the morning sky. A single black feather flitted down, landing at her feet. She reached down to pick it up, feeling it's softness, still warm with his life. She had her hair tied back and she slowly put the feather into her blond hair, his darkness resting among her light. She shook softly, reminding herself of her dedication to stay strong, no matter what.

She was mad, she was hurt, she wanted to hurt someone. But at the same time, she was cold with loneliness, riddled with insecurity and forged from the love of others. She felt for the small knife, taking it from the inside of her cloak, resting the cold hilt in her palm. She tightened her grip on the handle, her hand shaking with anger, from hurt, from her own emotions. She was sick of being hurt, she was ready to stand up for herself.  

Sybil, heir to the Alerdreamian throne, looked up into the afternoon sky as it began to snow, small flakes drifting down to rest in her hair and dot her upturned face. Her kingdom was crying for her.

She tightened her hand around the weapon. "I promise this, my people will not fall because of me. I too will play my part in ending this war. I promise to protect the ones I love, this kingdom I love, with all of my being, unless Death take my heart and soul, so that I may no longer stand to protect this place." Sybil didn't know where all of these emotions and feelings came from, but she held on to them as hard as the knife, harder if possible. Her convictions would set her path.

The snow fell around her, and she stood alone amongst the desolation of the gate, the first snow of the season covering the final impurity of the one before, blanketing the fallen soldiers with this most pure blanket of honor.

Lloyd flew over Spalding. He knew that Sybil's parents had traveled here over a month ago for the war effort.

It had taken him many days to reach the port. In those days of travel, his mind had gotten darker and darker, the light that Sybil had given him fading, replacing itself with bitter contempt and putrid hate. Those were the things that drove him on now.

No longer did he pursue Sybil's warmth and affection. No longer did he hide his true form behind the pitiful veil that his love had provided. No longer was he softened by her.

He now let his demon bloom. And he liked it.

His eyes glowed blood red and the black base glinted wickedly, even in the light of day.

Lloyd's mind was set in but one purpose. The death and destruction of all who had ever done him wrong, on everything Sybil had ever cared for. He was going to give them a little visit, one that Sybil would not soon forget.

DragonDog1: Okay, I know this chapter is short, but what can I say, it's a lead-in. Don't hate, just wait. But till then, please comment and vote because your opinions matter to me greatly. Thank you!

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