Chapter Twenty-One: True War

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Cooper ran in the charge with all the other soldiers and their war cry filled the air with anticipation. Their boots crashed on the hard ground and the dirt was kicked up as they ran. Cometfell hung at Cooper's side and his hand floated above it, ready to unsheathe the blade in a moments notice.

The two forces met in a mighty clash of steel on steel. Shouts of pain and shouting commands could be heard over the rage of battle. Cooper absorbed the chaos and made sense of it. The chaos didn't bother him, he had learned to adjust to chaos long ago, his father had always been one with a clear mind, always very collected, always...

Cooper shut out the thoughts with a shake of his head. Always in battle, but not now, no, not now, Cooper thought, releasing the memories.

Copper looked up as a man's blade cleaved down an Andanobii. He was a regular soldier, as most of the army was, the elemental warriors were in the minority and were speckled throughout the army.

The fighting was getting more intense. Cooper drew Cometfell with a swift movement and his eyes scanned around him. Low hills were in the backdrop, flattened dirt plains were the main field of battle. He watched as an Andanobii launched a shadow blade at an elemental warrior and how it has narrowly avoided, the man twisting but a finger's breadth from death. Cooper rushed to his aid, his brown leather boots pounding down on the hard packed earth and his blue cloak swirling behind him. He leapt forward, blade lunging at his target.

Before he made contact, he was slammed aside.

The world flipped and Cooper slammed onto the ground. He looked up as a boot snagged under his chin and he was blown backwards, sliding roughly on the ground, his back grinding through the ground, churning up dirt clumps, his head repeatedly thumping into the ground. His lips parted and a groan escaped his injured body. He tried to get up and a hand reached down to grab him by the neck, lifting him into the air.

A bulky man with lanky black hair sneered at Cooper. He was wearing a ragged green jacket and had leather greaves on. He was a mercenary, hired by the Andanobii with his brethren to assist in the war; for pay, of course. He gave Cooper a crooked smile "Who let this kid fight?" he mocked. "What's an infant like you doing here?"

Cooper's breath came harshly so he couldn't respond, not that he would have. In response, he twisted from his grip, turning so that his shoulder snapped against the man's grip, striking himself free. He skipped backwards, out of the man's range. As the soldier lunged forward, so did Cooper. The man's face took on a surprised look as Cometfell struck home.

Cooper stood there for a moment, breathing deeply, before slowly removing the blade from his assailant, taking it out and sheathing it in one fluid motion. The man fell backwards and landed on the ground heavily. He wasn't breathing.

Cooper didn't feel mad, just sad. But he didn't have time for that as he was attacked once more.

An Andanobii shouted a command that was lost in the sounds of battle. The ground below Cooper darkened and he leapt to the side as it crumbled to dust and a shadowy, clawed hand erupted from the ground. Cooper built up his power and water built up around him. He commanded it forward, slamming the wave into the Andanobii. He controlled the current, spinning the man under the waves. He let the water recede when he stopped struggling. Cooper paid him no mind.

As Cooper slashed down another Andanobii, he was shocked to see that many of the Andanobii fought without weapons, most relied solely on the power of the rings. They all tried to stay back and attack with their shadows while their mercenaries fought up front. Cowards...

Cooper heard a wooden twang and the whistle of air and turned to look. A boulder flew through the air towards the Alerdreamian forces. Cooper saw as it slammed into the ground and erupted into stone shards; screams rent the air. Cooper ground his teeth together, cowards...

The Elemental Chain Saga Book Two: Dragons AscendingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant