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————————Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

————————————Three days later, Edwards Residence, 8:00am.

" Well Zainab told me she and her husband are getting their marriage annulled and that Khalid doesn't work at their family business any longer" Ummah said as I stuffed my mouth with sweet papaya. I was soon going to declare papayas as my favourite fruit after mangoes, pineapples and watermelon. They were all so delicious and refreshing especially when they were chilled.

Ummah had finally contacted Mama Zainab. They were cool now, I talked to Mother a bit after the incident at our place when Khalid and Mama Zainab were still in Malaysia. They came to be on good terms and their friendship was blossoming again.


I didn't need to check up on Khalid myself. Ummah was giving me all the information I needed to know. " Well at least they're all okay. Ummah, Farouk and Raihanna are coming to see us today right?"

"Yeah they're coming" the love birds arrived three days ago. After spending weeks away from us and enjoying themselves at their honeymoon. " Yayy, you hear that Naj Naj, Uncle Farouk is coming today" I squealed as I fed Najmah a mango. " when's that girl going to start walking, she's almost a year old" Abbah said as he gulped down his coffee. " she's still trying her best Abbah" I answered as he got up to tease Najmah and she hit him twice on his face. " She's messing with me" Abbah said and pulled Najmah's cheeks. I smiled at the beautiful sight as I cleaned my mouth with a napkin.

It was time to head to work.

" Abbah, we should get going now, you have work to do at the court you know, Judge Milton Edwards" I took off Najmah's bib, cleaned her cute lips and picked her up from her chair. " You too Ummah, patients won't heal themselves" I scolded as I watched her eat slowly. " I need to take my time to finish this chicken filled Sandwich you prepared, leave me alone" She replied and I rolled my eyes with a sigh. Arranging Najmah's dress today was no hassle. I decided to wear a pretty casual outfit today. A long sleeved baggy red shirt and white trousers that stopped just above my ankle. I was wearing black Adidas sneakers and a black scarf.

All set for work.

" well we're leaving" I called as I took my handbag from the table and quickly kissed Ummah and Abbah goodbye. I had a meeting by 9:00am and the drive to the office was about 20 minutes. " be safe okay?" Ummah said and I nodded as I walked out of the living room.

I quickly buckled Najmah up and drove out of the compound. Khalifa was leaving for Dubai tomorrow. We were all going to meet up later at my parents place for family time. Khalifa was excited when I told him Khalid had agreed to sign the divorce papers. Seeing his genuine smile that day made me realize that indeed, losing Khalid was definitely going to be worth it. I got to the office on time, 8:30am. I kept Najmah in the nursery with the adorable kids on the third floor and headed to my office. I had clients to attend to and I also needed to check the car parts we were manufacturing in the factory, plus the head of finance waned to show me a proposal for this month's salaries. Work work work.

" Miss Faryah, the clients are here" Ruqayyah said as she walked into my office. It was already 9:00am. " Okay Ruqayyah, Thank you" I answered as I got up from where I sat. " Everything is set and in place right?" I asked and she nodded. " Yes Miss Faryah, we've served them some snacks and coffee since the meeting is going to hold for a long while"

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