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--------------Los Angeles, California.

------------------------Next afternoon(UCLA)

My thesis was due in two months time. I really had enough time to prepare. I had to submit my thesis to enable me graduate. I knew I could do it, Allah was with me. Always. I was done for today. Khalid was picking me up again. My ankle still hurt, but little. I was limping a little bit. I waited for Khalid on the same bench I waited yesterday, hopefully no one from the awards crew was going to come my way again.

I watched as the rude dude from yesterday sat on the bench, thank goodness far away from me. I couldn't deal with another episode of bullying right now. He was on a phone call. His accent actually did sound like RiRi's but his had more sense of class, he had already adjusted to the California lifestyle. I wanted to get to know the Nigerian cultures more. RiRi was from the Hausa/ Fulani Ethnic group. I really wanted to visit that country someday. I really hope I could.

" Hey" I heard him call. It couldn't be me he was talking to. " Lady from yesterday" not me. " Girl" he called and I didn't answer again. " oh so we're going to do it this way" I heard him say from afar before moving closer to where I sat. " Hey" he was a little bit too close now. There was no harm in answering I guess. " Are you talking to me?"  I answered softly. " Salamualaykum" oh wow. That took an entirely different turn. He was a believer. Surprising but oh well Masha Allah.

" Wa'alaykumussalam" I answered and looked at him. He had a small smile on his face. I really hoped he had nothing up in his sleeves. " How's your ankle?" why was he trying to be nice all of a sudden. " Fine Alhamdulillah,  I thought you didn't care, you didn't push me so no need to ask" I answered softly. " I wasn't in a good mood yesterday, I'm sorry for being rude" His accent was so pleasant to my hearing. And I appreciated the apology. " Fine" I answered. That was all.

" I'm Khalifa" He said again and I looked closer at him. I didn't want to be his friend. At all. Not even a bit. He could've just left the apology and forget about my existence. 

" Oh Okay, Nice name" I answered and smiled at him. " Yeah I know, what's yours?" was he trying to do really. " What do you want from me?" I really needed an answer for that.

I watched him smirk and laugh a little. " You're funny, and I just want to get to know you, you know, to be your friend if you don't mind"

" I do mind, and I just don't make friends like that" I answered and watched his smile widen. " Feisty, but on a serious note, its hard to find a Muslim brother or sister here and I want to stay intact with my deen, to have someone that will always be there to advice me when I'm going astray here, my family is back in Nigeria, It's a country in Africa, They're Muslims, righteous ones I hope, you know no one knows where the devil lurks around, even though I have faith in myself, I need someone to just keep a watch on me, to help when I'm slowly moving to the wrong path" he actually did have a point and I was more than willing to help a believer. " Well, Let's see, you want someone to watch your back" I answered and nodded. " Yes and no one around here can, except you, even though I'm in my final year here and might go back to Nigeria soon, I still need someone, I hope you understand" he added and I nodded. I was more than willing to.

" I'm Faryah, Faryah Mustapha" I finally said and watched him smile. He really had a charming smile, with his perfect set of white teeth. " Great, it's a pleasure meeting you" he answered and smiled at me. " I have to head home now, I'll see you, next class" he said as he got up to leave. " Ma'assalam" I greeted. " Bissalam" he answered and walked away from me.

Few minutes later

" Hey wifey, how's your ankle?" Khalid greeted as he gave me a light hug. He was a little bit late, but it was fine. " It's okay" I answered as we walked towards his car. " I'm sorry I arrived late, I just had to make up my mind on something" He said as his mood changed. He became stiff and looked angry. " What thing?" I asked as he opened the door for me and I sat in the passenger seat at the front. He got in and answered me before starting the engine. " David met up with me in the office, I didn't chase him, I controlled my anger and told him to meet me a cafe close by, by 3, to talk" he sounded really hurt as he drove out. This was all so sudden. I managed to try getting him out of my mind a little, but here I was, going to see him again. I couldn't totally bring myself to accept that Khalid's father raped me without being hurt or saddened or weak. I really hope I could face him again and try acting normal.

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