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---------------Los Angeles, California.

------------------------Lily's Specialist hospital ( 11:00am)

" Faryah are you okay?" I heard Sophia ask as I slowly opened my eyes and saw her beautiful dark eyes looking into mine. " I am fine" I answered as I sat up right on the bed I was lying down on. I was in a hospital again. The ER. I watched as a female doctor walked into our cubicle with a wide smile. " You're awake now, that's nice miss, How are you feeling?" She asked as she came closer to touch my forehead. " I feel okay" apart from the heart ache. I still couldn't bring myself to accept that he cheated on me. He stabbed me right in the back. All the love he claimed to have for me, all of them, shattered in one single second. " Miss?" The doctor called and I snapped out of my zoning. " Sorry, I had something on my mind" I said and gave her a small smile. " Well I have good news for you Faryah, we ran some tests on you and we found that you are three weeks pregnant, congratulations" I gasped as the word " pregnant" escaped her lips. So all the nausea and cravings were pregnancy. How didn't I even think about that. " Here are the lab results, congratulations" The doctor said happily as she handed the lab results to me. I didn't know what to feel. I was happy that I was going to be a mother, but at the back of mind, I knew I was possibly going to raise this child alone. It was my child with Khalid, and after what I saw, I really didn't know what was going to come next. He really didn't have any excuse to deny what I saw. " Thank you" I said to the nurse as I smiled at her genuinely. " I'm going to be an aunt" Sophia squealed and I laughed at her. At least the baby was making me happy after all what I've gone through this morning. I was carrying a human being inside me. Ya Allah, please give me the strength to take care of it. " You really need to take care of the baby, so it can grow healthy, make sure you eat healthy and exercise daily. Avoid stressing yourself okay, come back for regular check ups on the condition of the baby okay" The doctor said and I nodded. I was going to listen to her instructions very carefully. I was going to make sure mini me was going to be happy and safe. " Okay then, you're free to go home now, be safe okay, and congratulations" She said as she walked out of the cubicle.

" You passed out at Pamela's, I'll take you home now okay, you need to rest and as soon as Khalid comes back, you guys will talk" Sophia said as she helped me down from the bed. I was willing to talk to him and hear him out. I was willing to forgive but I couldn't forget. The trust I had in him was gone, it was going to take a lot of effort to get it back. " Sure, we'll talk" I answered as we walked out of the cubicle. She signed some papers before we walked out of the hospital and went to the parking lot.

" Khalid will never do such a thing to you, I'm sure he can explain things to you okay" Sophia added as she drove out of the parking lot and we headed home. I really hoped she was right. I really didn't want us to be apart. I was too attached to him to let go.

I was going to trust Allah with this. What is meant to happen will happen and Insha'Allah we were going to resolve this issue.

----------------- Olyster Residence

It was 10:00 am. I left Pamela's apartment and went back home to freshen up before I could confront Faryah. I was glad Pamela held me back last night and she didn't let me go home, I would've done something bad to Faryah. I saw her calls and texts. Whore.

I parked my car in the mansion and hurriedly went to take my bath. No one was awake yet, it was the weekend. They always slept like this every weekend. There was no sight of Faryah, who knew, maybe she went back to see Khalifa. I got into the shower and stood there for long as I thought about what I was possibly going to do with Faryah. Even after all the pain she's making me go through, I still loved her. So much. Too much. I was willing to listen to what she had to say but I couldn't find it in my heart to trust her again. Even a bit. She betrayed me. She was supposed to be mine alone. No one else's.

Faryahحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن