Chapter 28

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Things had become interesting.

Xie Yang gathered his thoughts and simply refused Long Shuyou’s invitation. He didn’t give Long Shuyou any chance to entangle himself. After leaving Xu Chenhao to deal with Long Shuyou, he left the backstage using the excuse of peeing and was picked up by Wu Shui. 

“Where is Qiu Xing?”

“President Qiu is in the car.”

“Then let’s go.”

The two of them avoided the crowd and left the venue, getting into the car parked in the corner. Qiu Xing was sitting in an expressionless manner in the car. “Are you in a good mood?” 

“Pretty good.” Xie Yang put away the violin and no longer restrained the smile on his face. “A fat sheep sent itself to my door.”

Qiu Xing sneered, his voice strange. “Are you talking about yourself? Paying for the show and then apologizing to the cheap audience, you’re really brave.”

Xie Yang was still smiling. “I wasn’t apologizing to the audience.”


“I was apologizing to the money. The 50,000 people in the audience today are my target customers. Saying sorry doesn’t hurt if it means they will willingly give money to me and my company. It is a good deal.”

Qiu Xing gave a smile that wasn’t a smile. “You want the money of those who scolded you?”

“I am the best at making money from them.” Xie Yang took out his phone and hooked his finger at Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing’s tone was cold. “What are you doing?” 

“Magic for you. Come here.”

Qiu Xing coldly turned his head to look out the window, expressing disdain with his actions.

Xie Yang simply sat next to Qiu Xing and literally pushed his phone under Qiu Xing’s eyes. He opened Weibo, ignoring the huge pile of messages that poured in at once and turned to a Weibo draft that had been prepared for a long time, sending it out.

[Xie Yang: Yang Xing Tianxia, has set sail. Our first and last group mini digital album ‘IUD’ and Tong Jian’s first solo album ‘Child’s Language’ is officially open for pre-order. Our dreams will take off from here.] 

A link was attached below. Xie Yang clicked it and a page opened. It was a company’s official website and on top of the official website were two pre-order options.

“Pre-orders were opened at the end of the show. Not many people know about it yet and the purchase quantity is only this.” Xie Yang smiled with money in his mouth. “I just publicized it on Weibo and now the countdown begins. Five, four, three, two, one… boom, the god of wealth is coming.”

The moment he spoke, the number of pre-orders that had been struggling to increase suddenly skyrocketed at a rate that was visible to the naked eye. It soon broke thousands then 10,000, 50,000, 100,000...

Xie Yang smirked. ""People can't listen to my songs for nothing. Even if it is 5 yuan for two digital albums, the amount is enough for me to get a profit."

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