Chapter 42

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Qiu Xing was so enraged that he locked himself in the second floor study the moment they got home. Zhou Miao wanted to cry as he looked back at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang wondered, “What is it?” 

“Little boss, why do you deliberately annoy the boss? How can you ask for a divorce…”

“A marriage can be done as soon as it is settled. Why can’t I mention a divorce? Besides, a divorce doesn’t mean I will leave. I am willing to continue with Qiu Xing—”

“What?” It was unknown when but Qiu Xing had appeared on the second floor landing of the staircase and questioned Xie Yang.

Xie Yang looked up at Qiu Xing and decisively changed his words. “Being friends.” 

Qiu Xing stared at Xie Yang with a deep gaze.

“If not friends then at least business partners and roommates.” Xie Yang spoke sincerely. “So is there still a need to discuss the matter of the power outage?”

Qiu Xing didn’t speak for a while as he looked Xie Yang up and down coldly. Then his lips curved up and he declared, “No discussion. Xie Yang, if you want to stay up late with me here then it is impossible for a lifetime.” Then he strode back to his study.

Xie Yang asked Zhou Miao, “You live in the back building. Is the power cut off at night?”

Zhou Miao’s body shook and he nodded quickly and forcefully while slowly backing away. “It’s cut off, cut off! It is cut off like this building! In addition, my place is small. I can’t, I can’t take you in.” Then he ran off like his ass was burning.

This was the desperate life of a renter. Xie Yang was resigned to his fate and returned to his room.

At lunch, Qiu Xing suddenly changed his words. “It can stay on during the weekends.”

Xie Yang’s chopsticks paused as he wondered if he misheard. “What did you say?” 

Qiu Xing had already eaten. He put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth and stood up. He stared at Xie Yang in a condescending manner and warned, “If I find out that you stayed up all night…”

Xie Yang spoke good words. “Then you can continue to turn the power off.”

Qiu Xing was satisfied and turned to leave. He only took a few steps before stopping and asking, “That person called Ji who sang with you… does he know the female star called Mu Zhouyi?”

The female lead had actually caught Qiu Xing’s attention. 

“I don’t know. Do you want me to find out for you?”

Qiu Xing seriously thought about it before shaking his head indifferently. “Forget it. If Qinglin can’t even look at women properly then there is no need for me to worry about it for him.” After that, he really left.

Xie Yang watched Qiu Xing and slowly relaxed the hand that had been gripping his chopsticks tightly.

Now Qiu Xing was willing to let go of the male lead and no longer paid attention to the people around the male lead. The butterfly’s wings had finally started to affect the main plot. 

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