Chapter 146

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It was a very impolite look and deliberate ignorance.

Xie Yang hadn’t responded yet when Qiu Xing frowned first. Xie Yang patted Qiu Xing in a soothing manner and greeted the approaching makeup artist and stylist. Then he looked at Qiu Xing and asked, “Will you wait for me here or go outside? The scenery around the castle is good.” 

“I’ll wait for you here.”

Xie Yang nodded. He first settled Qiu Xing down on a sofa in the corner of the dressing room, spoke to the makeup artist and stylist for a long time and then sat in the makeup chair. The two of them tacitly ignored the models.

The makeup artist and stylist looked at each other when they saw it. At the same time, they looked at the group of models who suddenly became louder and showed a slightly dissatisfied expression. Then they concentrated on helping Xie Yang get ready.

Qiu Xing had never seen Xie Yang putting on makeup before. After sitting down, he looked through the mirror as the makeup artist put makeup on Xie Yang’s face. Every time the makeup artist touched Xie Yang’s face with his hand, Qiu Xing would frown like he wanted to pull the makeup artist’s hand away from Xie Yang’s face. 

The makeup artist wasn’t a piece of wood. He naturally noticed Qiu Xing’s gaze and was a bit amused. He proactively spoke to Xie Yang, “Is he your partner? I saw you wearing a couples ring.”

Xie Yang smiled. “Yes, he came to work with me.”

“Then he is great.” The makeup artist swiped his fingers to remove the excess eyebrow powder and couldn’t help smiling when he saw Qiu Xing’s instant frown. “He cares about you very much. So cute.”

The makeup artist was a delicate man in his 40s and his cute tone of exaggeration was like praising a neighbor’s child. The smile on Xie Yang’s face widened and he agreed. “Yes, I also think he is very cute.”

The voices of the two people were low and Qiu Xing couldn’t hear them. He just saw the increasingly bright smile on Xie Yang’s face and unknowingly frowned.

Xie Yang saw this scene through the mirror and was amused. He just wanted to reassure the other person when Qiu Xing’s expression abruptly sank as he turned to look at the group of models. Then he got up and walked over, saying something to one of the models in a language that Xie Yang couldn’t understand.

The model was stunned and his expression became particularly agitated. He got up, said something to Qiu Xing in the Y language and left the dressing room in a hurry. The other models followed suit.

The makeup artist and stylist noticed the movements and stopped working. The other small assistants in the dressing room also stopped working. Xie Yang watched Qiu Xing walking toward him and asked, “What happened?” 

“The curly-haired model spoke a dirty slang from his hometown and the object was you. I guess he thought no one in the room would understand so he acted unscrupulously. I’m going to find Qin Cheng.”

Qiu Xing spoke in Y language and he was obviously speaking to the makeup artist and stylist. Xie Yang understood and didn’t ask the content of the slang. He said, “Then you go.”

Qiu Xing turned and left with long strides.

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