Chapter 5- He's not my boyfriend

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[Time skip: Next morning]

After what happened last night, I have to me more careful from now on. I don't want to see Mr. Vice Chairman in pain. I was on my way to work, and today Jimin was driving me there. 

"Don't think much about it. Just be careful around him" he said while driving

"Huh? What-t are you saying-g?"

"You're think about your Mr. Vice Chairman right?" he said and not to lie yes I was. I didn't reply and just looked outside.

"I'll take that as a yes. But remember, if you were the second person he called after his brothers, he trusts you" he said with a smile

"Not at all. It's probably I was on the second number on his call history"

"Yah! Can't you be romantic for a second with him?"

"Romantic? and Mr. Vice Chairman? Does he looks a like a romantic person? Not at all. He's a cold and arrogant person who only works and nothing else" I said and we both laughed. We reached and I waved Jimin goodbye and went inside. 

Taehyung's POV:

I was in my car with my Hyung's. We were talking about last night when I saw Secretary Y/n. To be honest, she looked pretty in her work outfit. She looked elegant, not like other workers who wear loads of makeup and wear revealing outfit. I hate those kinds of girls. I was lost in my thoughts when Jin Hyung said,

"Taehyung, isn't she your secretary?" and I nodded

"Wait, is that her boyfriend?" Namjoon Hyung said as I looked outside and saw a guy in the driver's seat. Y/n waved at him with a smile and he did too. Wait, isn't he that guy whom I saw that day, to whom she said I love you?

"That's not her boyfriend" I said with confidence but my confidence went for a walk when my Hyung's looked at me with a questioning look.

"How do you know?"

"I asked her and she denied the fact of dating anyone" I replied

"And you believed her? Maybe she doesn't wants you to know" Jin Hyung said and it can be true. Putting all my thoughts aside, I went inside the building.

End of POV

Today I was sharp on time. It was 8:25 currently and I was waiting for Mr. Vice Chairman to arrive. After a few minutes, Mr. Vice Chairman came in and I bowed. He asked me to come in his cabin and I did as he said.

"Secretary Y/n" he said

"Yes, sir"

"How do I look?" he asked while looking at the mirror

"You look elegant" I replied with a smile

"No, not as Mr. Vice Chairman. How do I look as Kim Taehyung?" he asked out of nowhere

"You still look the same sir" I said and tried to smile

"Anyways, am I a girl's ideal type? Like what do you think, Secretary Y/n?" 

"You may be someone's ideal type but unfortunately you're not my type" I said and he sighed. What's up with him today? Why is he asking all this?

"You may leave" he said and I bowed and left.

"I'm not her ideal type? How is that possible?" Taehyung thought 

[Time skip: Lunch time]

Taehyung's POV:

I was with my Hyungs as I saw secretary Y/n with the other employees and all of a sudden she got a phone call and she smiled and excused herself. Does she really has a boyfriend? Why am I so bothered? Maybe she is my secretary.....?

"Jin Hyung" I asked and he hummed while he took a bite of his sandwhich

"How to make a girl breakup with her boyfriend" I asked and Jin Hyung almost choked his food while Namjoon Hyung spitted out his food and looked at me with confusion

"What?" they both asked together

"How to make a girl breakup with her boyfriend?" I asked again

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Jin Hyung asked

"It's not for me. It's for my long lost friend's brother" I lied

"So who is the long lost friend's brother and why are you so worried about your long lost friend's brother huh?" Namjoon Hyung asked

"He is my long lost friend's brother so I cared for my long lost..." before I could finish someone interrupted me

"Mr. Vice Chairman? Can I talk to you for a second?" I turned around to find Secretary Y/n and this time I choked in my food and started coughing seeing her all of a sudden. I nodded and excused myself and went with her. 

End of POV

Mr. Vice chairman has been acting strange lately. I caught him staring at me during lunch, in the morning he asked me about his looks and my ideal type and now he was asking how to make a girl breakup with her boyfriend? Something is definitely up! I excused us and went away from the other employees.

"Why were you starring at me?" I asked straightforward

"What are you taking about? I didn't even see you" he said trying to deny the fact

"Mr. Vice Chairman, Quit lying!"

"Fine I was starring! Can't I stare at you? Of course I can't, you have a boyfriend" he said making me shock

"Boyfriend? Me? Who said that?" I said trying to prevent laughing

"Then who is that guy whom you said I love you to? Who is that guy who dropped you today? My Hyungs said he was your boyfriend and..."

"And you believed them? He's not my boyfriend. He's my brother" I said and he looked at me with wide eyes, he was probably embarrassed. I laughed while he avoided eye contact.

"Mr. Vice Chairman, no offense but were you perhaps jealous?" I asked in a teasing manner and his eyes were wide.

"No-o why would-d I?" he replied stuttering. I caught his tie and pulled him close to me, he looked into my eyes with shock, our faces were only a few inches apart.

"Now say you weren't jealous" I asked and we both just starred at each other. All of a sudden, my heart started to beat fast realizing our faces were too close but still I wanted to know, was my cold and arrogant boss jealous?

"I-I wasn't jea...." before he could complete we were interrupted by someone

"Taehyung do you... Oh my holy shit!" We both looked around to see President Kim Namjoon and Chairman Kim Seokjin. I immediately let go of his tie pushed him away from me. I bowed to both of them and they nodded.

"Did we both like interrupt something?" Chairman Kim said making me shocked

"No, we were just taking related to a meeting" I said and Mr. Vice Chairman nodded

"I think it's a new way to talk, you know pulling tie and..."

"Hyung, we have to finish our lunch let's go. Secretary Y/n, see you after lunch" Saying this he dragged his brother out of there while I let out a sigh.

"Why did I do that?" I thought while I walked back to the cafeteria 

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