Gaining his trust

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I lay in bed trying to process everything that had just happened. Lucifer eventually left to do some work or something and was now in the corner of the room with a laptop. He kept glancing back at me from time to time but didn't say anything more. I looked around the room and found there was another bed opposite the one I was on so hopefully that meant I wouldn't have to sleep with him because I wouldn't have been able to bear that.

My top priority was finding a way to escape. Lucifer seemed to be quite smart so I assumed I was probably nowhere near my home and if he had left any trace (which I didn't think he would have) we would probably leave the hotel before anyone could get there which meant if I was going to get out  it was down to me. The problem was I had no clue how I was going to manage that. I couldn't do it yet because Lucifer was in the room with me at all times and I would never get past him. I could either try when he was asleep, or somehow escape while we were leaving. Those were the most viable plans so far.

Suddenly I noticed Lucifer look at his watch and get up, turning the laptop off.

What's going on now?

Slowly he began to make his way towards me and I took in a deep breath preparing myself.

"Hey sweetheart how are you feeling?"

How on Earth was I supposed to respond to that? I had just been kidnapped by some absolute crazy person and had no idea what was going on.

"I'm fine" I responded hoping he would just go away.

"Well you must be hungry though it's getting quite late, I was thinking of ordering us some room service, how does that sound?"

I didn't like the way he said us. He made it sound like we were together or something which made me want to throw up, but instead I responded

"Yes that sounds nice, thank you"

I had to force those words out of my mouth. I felt absolutely disgusted by the fact that this man had just kidnapped me and there I was saying thank you and being nice to him because he was getting me food.

It's ok you are only doing this to gain his trust. Soon you will escape and never see this man again.

He smiled at me and walked of towards the phone. God I hated that smile. Still, at least he bought my act, maybe gaining his trust would be easier than I thought. I just need to keep this up and then everything would work itself out.

I heard him order me spaghetti Bolognese. My favourite. Of course he knew my favourite food I shouldn't even be surprised. I watched him come back towards me to tell me food was on its way and I just nodded, not trusting myself to respond politely otherwise.

He stayed by the bed the whole time while waiting for the food to come. He didn't say anything just stared at me. After a few minutes, he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV that was on the wall right opposite the bed I was on. He put on coronation street and we watched it in silence.

Finally, room service came knocking on the door with the food. At this point I was starving and didn't care about anything other than finally getting something to eat. I couldn't even remember the last time I ate something.

"Wait here sweetheart and don't move, I'll get the door and bring the food here okay?"

I nodded again and he left to go bring the food. I probably could have used this as an opportunity to escape and maybe call for help or something but I decided it wasn't worth it because there was probably only one room service person and I didn't know if Lucifer had a gun or any other weapon. I knew I would have to take a leap of faith at some point and risk being caught but now was not that time.

After we ate Lucifer went back to doing his work on his laptop leaving me to just watch the Tv and plot my escape. The current plan was pretending to b asleep then sneaking out as soon as Lucifer fell asleep and if I was caught I would say I was trying to find the toilet. I know it was a long shot, but it was all I had. Sadly, like I said before Lucifer was smart and he had already thought that through.

After about an hour of me watching some random dramas on the Tv Lucifer finally checked the time and got up. However he did not come towards me or the other bed as I thought he would, instead he disappeared and left the room.

What the hell has he just left me here?

He returned not long after carrying a glass of water. He swiftly made his way over to me and handed it to me.

"Here drink this, it will help you sleep."

When I did nothing he added with a harsher tone

"Either drink the water willingly or I will make you drink it, pick one!"

Reluctantly I took the water from him and drank it, accepting that it was probably drugged but there was nothing I could do. He watched me drink it then took the glass from me and walked away.

Sure enough, in a matter of minutes my eyes began to feel very heavy. As much as I tried to fight it, I couldn't and I was eventually forced to succumb to whatever drug he gave me and I watched as everything faded to black.

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