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I woke up groggy with a pounding headache. My whole body was aching so I stretched myself out but I was met with an acute pain in my right leg. Trying my best not to scream from the excruciating pain, I slowly began to come to my senses and the memories of what happened came rushing back.

Wait, where the hell was I?

I suddenly realised I was laying on a rotten mattress in almost pitch black darkness. Careful not to move my leg too much, I started looking around the room trying to assess my situation. Despite the overpowering darkness, I could just about make out that I was in a small room and the mattress I was laying on looked like it was just dumped against the back wall. I tried to scoot off the mattress, but I then realised my wrists were chained to the wall.

Wait chained?

It was at that moment it hit me how bad this was. My head was still throbbing and my leg had just been shot, even without the chains I probably wouldn't have even been able to walk so there was absolutely no chance of me getting out whatsoever. As I began to hyperventilate, I heard a loud creak. My eyes darted to the huge oak door in front of me and I watched in horror as the devil himself walked in.


Panicked, I ignored the pain in my leg and tried to push myself against the wall to get as far away from him as possible.

All that did, however, was earn me a chuckle from him.

"You can't escape me here sweetheart, I would have thought you were smart enough to realise that" He remarked, shaking his head.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to run away, don't leave me here, please" I cried, hoping he would maybe feel sympathy for me. He did not.

With a predatory smirk, he quickly advanced towards me, crouching down so his head was level with mine.

"Here's the thing, this is the second time you have tried to run from me, so I'm not sure I believe you."

"I promise, I'll do anything, I don't know what I was thinking, I will never disobey you again." I pleaded, not wanting to be left here chained up.

He reached his hand out towards me and I instinctively looked away. He then grabbed my chin and pulled it towards him forcing me to look at him.

"I'm sorry, but this is the only way I can be sure you have learnt your lesson and won't try to run again" he comforted, gently caressing my cheek with his thumb.

I resisted the urge to slap his hand away because I was terrified of making everything worse so I just sat there, staring at him helplessly and wondering how long he was going to leave me here.

Carefully, he proceeded to remove his hand from my cheek, before getting up and leaving, locking the door behind him

What was the point in even locking the door? It's not like I could get out anyway.

Hey, sorry for taking so long to update I didn't have much time to write the last few days but I hope u enjoyed this chapter!

Also I edited the first chapter because I didn't like it and I got rid of the part where Noelle said she got asked out by Jason.

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