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It had been almost a week since Lucifer first told me we were going to Spain. He hadn't really given me any dates or timings, he just kept going on about how amazing it was going to be in a sad attempt to try get me as excited for it as he seemed to be. He went back to work at the beginning of this week so I've been getting a lot of alone time which is nice but I still haven't been able to find a way to escape. I spent a lot of time walking around the house trying to build strength until eventually I could walk easily without my crutches. It was such a relief to finally have that control over my legs and not be relying on Lucifer or the crutches to get me places and I knew it would make a massive difference when it came to escaping if I got a good opportunity.

I rubbed my eyes that were suddenly feeling heavy. I'd managed to fake being tired to get away from Lucifer about an hour ago so I could have some more time to myself but I was beginning to actually feel tired. I looked at the clock by my bed and realised it was already 11:00 so I took that as my cue to go to sleep preparing for and dreading whatever Lucifer had in store for me the next day.

I woke up abruptly at about 3:00 in the morning to Lucifer saying something I was too tired to fully understand. My mind was not awake enough to think properly about what was going on so I just stared at him confused.

"Sweetheart, we need to leave now, I know you are tired but you can sleep in the car okay?"

Still confused and drowsy, I just nodded and allowed him to carry me out to his car and place me in the front passenger seat. Had I been more conscious I may have questioned him more about what was going on but instead I just sat there trying to get a grip while Lucifer got the car started.

I had hoped that maybe once the car started that could have woken me up properly, but sadly I was wrong. I tried so hard to stay awake hoping my brain would eventually start working but nothing helped and eventually I was forced to give up fighting and let myself give in to sleep. I have a feeling he chose to leave so early on purpose, he probably knew I wasn't a morning person so he took advantage of that.

Sneaky bastard.

I must have been asleep the whole car journey because when I woke up I was laying in a hotel bed with Lucifer sitting next to the bed reading something. I felt a sense of deja vu as I realised this was almost exactly how I saw Lucifer for the first time after he kidnapped me. I shivered internally at the memory and instead focused on getting myself to sit up before Lucifer noticed I was awake. I didn't want him to try help me up as if I relied entirely on him.

At least I didn't have a headache this time.

Lucifer immediately noticed that I was up and put down whatever he was reading focusing his attention entirely on me.


"Hey sweetheart, did you have a good sleep?" He asked softly.

I hated it when he acted nice like this because I would have to remind myself that one wrong move and that would be it for me. One tiny mistake and I would have to bear the consequences which never ended well.

"Yes it was fine." I answered, smiling sweetly at him. "Where are we?" I added, hoping to get some sort of answer that could help me.

"Well you know how I said we would be going to Spain, I have now booked the flight and we are currently in a hotel near the airport. I just thought this would be easier than driving all the way from where we were before"

"How long was I out?" I asked as I realised the sun was now streaming through the curtains.

"Oh just a few hours, you slept through the whole 4 hour car journey and I had to carry you here." He said with a laugh.

I just smiled and nodded unsure of what else to say. I ignored how uncomfortable I felt knowing he carried me unconscious and instead sat there processing the fact that we were actually going to Spain. As my mind wandered to thoughts about the airport, I suddenly realised something.

"What about my passport?"

"Oh you don't need to worry about that, I've got it sorted you just get some rest okay?" He responded trying to reassure me.

"I'll go through all the other details tomorrow. I'm warning you now though, I don't want any funny business when we get there okay? You know there will be consequences and I don't want to have to punish you because you are coming with me to Spain whether you like it or not, understood?" He added sternly

"Yes I know, I understand" I replied nodding.

He smiled at me before grabbing my face and stroking my cheek. He seemed to like doing that, though I had no clue why.

"Just you wait, when we get to Spain we can finally start living properly together, we will have all the time in the world and I know you will eventually learn to love it." He rambled excitedly. He really seemed to think I would actually be happy being alone with him in an unknown country, where he would have total control over me and there would be no one to save me from him.

I also knew, though, that this could be my only chance at escape. As much as I wanted to avoid a punishment I thought about Noelle waiting for me at home and felt my heart drop. She was probably the only thing keeping me going, I had to at least try to escape whatever the risk was because I couldn't stand leaving her behind. We may have only been friends but she meant everything to me and I longed to be with her again so badly. I was going to do whatever it took to get out. I didn't even care anymore about whatever punishment he threw at me, I was already living in hell. Sure, it could get worse, but I was willing to risk that if it meant I had a chance of finally being free again, A chance to finally go home.


Hope you enjoyed that chapter, pls let me know what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote if u enjoy it!

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