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SAMMY: wow do you realize that's more money then I make in a month? And then paid you in cash!?

(Y/N): well yes, in pounds.

SAMMY: what are you doing?

(Y/N): getting ready for bed. Brahms is already in bed.

SAMMY: he's a doll though?.. he doesn't need sleep.

(Y/N): I know but, I promise to take care of him.

SAMMY: whatever, anyways what about the malcolm guy?

(Y/N): what do you mean by that?

SAMMY: well~ you seem to like him.

(Y/N): just two people, who work for the same people. Nothing else and nothing more.

SAMMY: okay, jeez.

(Y/N): okay, well I'm going to go shower. Bye.

SAMMY: by-

Before Sammy could respond, you hanged up. You walked into the bathroom with only a towel covering you while, you held clean clothes in your hands. You placed your clothes on a near by chair and looked at your reflection in the mirror. You took off you're glasses, earrings etc. (ignore this part if you don't wear them). once you finished, you walked over to the shower and took off your towel as you went into the shower. The water was at the temperature you wanted but, what you didn't know is that their was someone else with you.

You turned off the water and grabbed your towel, wrapping it around you. You walked out of the shower and noticed that you're clothes were missing. You swore that their were there. In fact you knew. You knew that you put them there on that chair, so why is it gone all the sudden?You walked over to the mirror and started to play with your hair, hoping to forget about the clothes. You noticed something else weird. Your hair. It looked like someone cut off a bit of it. (Ignore this part, if you lack hair) you walked back to your room and turned on the lights. You scared shitless but, tried to calm down. You grabbed a new pair of comfortable clothes and changed into them. You laid down on your bed, looking up at the ceiling as you're body slowly started to relax and sleep started to fall on you.

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