Chapter 8

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The brothers departed before the sun came out, at 1am to be exact. The two and a half hour drive to Goseong was silent. There really wasn't much to say and Rang slept for the half of it as Yeon drove on with the radio as company. Goseong is a county located in the Gangwon province, and coincidentally between mount KumKang and SeoRak. People can't really visit KumKang anymore because it's in the boundaries of North Korea, certainly, this doesn't apply for its respective mountain spirit and Gumiho, Ryu Lin.

Their destination was a long stretch of beach with the ridges of DaeGangRi in the background. Barely any civilisation was around as the area is really close to the 38th parallel or demilitarised zone between North and South Korea.

The two Gumiho's got off the car and made their way towards the lone figure on the beach. The visibility wasn't the best as the area is infamous for the foggy weather, and the fact that it's only 4am doesn't help either.

"So this is it?", Rang said

Lin nodded and looked at his watch, "We have to finish by 5. The window of time is In Shi (寅时/인시)"

There was a reason why it had to be today, and at this particular time frame. It's July 15th on the lunar calendar, and on this day, the portal for unclean spirits (aka. Ghosts) opens at Chuk Shi (丑时/축시) and closes after In Shi. In Shi is when the 'unclean spirits' return and hide as the sun rises and illuminates the darkness, which is also when it is safe enough to enter the celestial space. The portal should be facing the north east, hence why it's Goseong.

With the coolness of early September air slamming into his face, Rang breathed in the salty air and observed the boundless mass of water before him. The view of the horizon obstructed by the fog. The sound of the waves rolling up the shore and retreating is strangely calming for his nerves.

"Rang ah"

Rang turned to face his brother.

"Be careful", Yeon was damn worried, he would go in his place if he could. But all he could do is to remind this reckless younger brother of his to look out for himself out there.

Rang gave him a simple nod and turned back. Taking a moment to suppress the hesitation, then he took his first steps into the sea. He didn't know what to expect, walking on water? The sea parting? Instead, he was dragged into another dimension almost immediately.

Lin and Yeon stood there, dumbfounded. Rang was here a second ago and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What the hell? Where did he go?!", Yeon walk forwards to where his brother once stood, careful not to touch the water.

"He's not in the same space as us right now.", Lin breathed, "Just wait."

In the mean time, the half-gumiho found himself at a temple. It seemed like he was on a floating piece of land because it was only clouds and blue sky surrounding him. Rang sighed and looked at his watch, noticing how the second hand had stopped moving.

"Great", he muttered, already having a bad feeling about all of this.

Rang made his way up a section of steps to the door of the temple. Just a usual double panel wooden door. Though when he tried to push it open, it didn't budge. Not even when he used actual strength. With frustration brewing in him, the half-gumiho took a few steps back, ready to charge at full speed towards the closed entrance.

"Stop", A deep voice sounded from behind, halting the young Gumiho's actions

Rang turned around and saw an elderly man at the foot of the steps. Despite the old age, he looked big and strong. A few inches taller than Rang himself. The latter was dressed in traditional clothes and had his hair in an ancient bun with a long beard, "Who are you?"

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