The New Old

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(Y,N) awoke from the alarm that was ringing on his nightstand and reaches his hand out to turn it off. He gets up from his singular dorm room and gets ready for his first day back at Beacon. He groans as the lights from his window hits his face. he gets up from his bed and gets ready for the day. He leaves his room changed into (Whatever you want to wear) and heads to his first class which was Oobleck's class.

He walks around the school yard as he looks at the view from inside the giant school castle. As much as he hated this school, he did admit that the view inside the castle was quite the sight. focusing back to before he walked across the hallways till he reached the door to his first class

As (Y,N) reached for the door handle he stops remembering something he reaches into his pocket and takes out a mask. He knew that his old team would be in this class and didn't want to deal with them, a mask would only cover his face but it was better than nothing. It was just a plain old mask that was common at every store. He enter the class as he and a few others were already here. Looking around he didn't see his team here yet nor the other two, he sighs as he was glad he got here first. Knowing class would start soon he heads to his seat as he begins working on the many, many assignments he had received for the times he was late. He continues to work as Oobleck begins his class

Oobleck: "Good morning class! I hope everyone is here I will be marking you for attendance! Starting with Patrica!" He yelled as he looked at a paper

He goes on with the attendance making sure everyone is here.

Oobleck: " Ruby Rose!" He tells looking up from his paper waiting for a response "Ruby are you here in class?" He asks waiting for a response but got none

Oobleck looked around but didn't see Ruby so he looked back to his paper and was about to write Ruby as tardy but then a scream could be heard from the entrance door. Till suddenly the door came crashing open with teams RWBY, JNPR and (Y,N)'s team, they all feel on top of each other groaning in pain as they just flew at Mach 7 speed through the whole school.

Ruby: "Proffessor Oobleck! Were here!!!" she said panting

Oobleck: "Hmmm. Very well I guess I can make you present this time, but next time be here on time miss Ruby." he says as he writes on the paper

With that over the three teams all walk together to seats and sat next to each other, about two tables in front of (Y,N). Luckily thanks to the commotion they were too busy on getting back and focusing on class.

And with that (Y,N) new normal life began, with the first step of it all was to pick up on grades.


The day went on as back then, he was ignored which he wont be for long. Though all he wanted to do was make those who messed with him back then get what they deserve starting of with Cardin. He was done acting like the weak shitling he thought he was at first. He was done of feeling broken, an he was done of being treated like a Childs toy in the bottem of the box.

The bell rang signaling lunch time, (Y,N) packed his stuff and headed out to get his food. Though he was also going to look for someone else who messed with him big time. He enters the cafeteria and gets his lunch, he heads to a table in the corner which was a spot that he would always sit at. Though he sat here for a specific reason, he knew who would come and decided to wait.

"Look who it is!!!"

Just as he thought, (Y,N) turned to the side as he saw Cardin and his gang walking towards him and like many times before people saw this and just watched before turning back to the friends ignoring (Y,N).

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