How Are You?

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I feel like the last few chapters were random as I went a bit off my original story so I'm gonna try and get back on track in this chapter.
3rd POV

The moon shined brightly across Vale as a certain tower in Vale was lit up brightly.

The elevator dinged as it hit the top floor, the door opens, and out comes a man who looks like in his thirties wearing general clothing. General Ironwood walks towards the large singular desk in the center which a singular man sitting there, Ozpin who was busy doing papers didn't notice Ironwood come in or just didn't care to look up.

"OZPIN!!" yelled the general who walked up with a look of worry and anger.

"Hm? Ironwood what brings you here?" said the grey-haired man

"You do know there has been another WhiteFang base found, and there are hundreds of bodies all around! It's a bloody fucking massacre!! My soldiers had spent weeks! months! trying to find this and then we do and its a graveyard unfinished"

"Is that so? I guess it is something to worry about. I'll have to look into it"

"IS THAT SO? How are you not worried at all about this?! Do you even care for the city of Vale?"

Ozpin sighs at this comment putting down his papers and looking up to Ironwood with a look of tiredness. "I do care for this city and as you can see I am busy doing papers for this exact case, I have no leads on who did this, if it even a who, and how I can stop this from happening again. These attacks are happening at random and whoever this is they know more than we do"

Looking at the papers on his desk, they were all papers describing the scenes and photos of bodies that were smothered in blood. Ironwood looking at the papers makes a face of regret and bows his head in the embarrassment of his outburst. "Ah...Ah...I see, sorry"

Ozpin sighs again as he looks continuously at the photos with a glare. each photo had at least three or more dead bodies, each with limbs missing and faces screaming with fear and agony. Not only that but organs spilled out from the lungs to the digestive system, few even had hearts squished. Ozpin continued to stare at the photos, thinking he has seen everything, this was brutal even for him. He looks back at Ironwood with a serious face worrying for the worst.

"Do you have any leads about this?" asked Ozpin with a serious tone, hinting a bit of worry.

"We may have one, it could be where he's going next. Though we're not sure," said Ironwood showing a scrolled tablet with several photos of another warehouse.

"I see, do you have teams sent out to survey it?" asked Ozpin with a question.

"Yes, though they haven't attacked yet" stated Ironwood.

"Good. Don't tell too," commanded Ozpin who was in deep thought.

"Understood, we'll wait till he comes to the territory and burst in from there. The only thing now is when he going to be there." Ironwood stated tapping on the Scroll

"Yes, it is only a matter of time. Have you found any other bases?" asked Ozpin

"After this? We spent our whole priority looking for WhiteFant bases all over Vale. So far this one and two others that are still in business." scoffed Ironwood as the threat was high as it is.

"I see, I'll send some students also to help with the situation. The three best of the best will be at each base, Their good and I plan to not get them killed" stated Ozpin pulling out three pieces of paper from one of his drawers.

"Got it, but Ozpin? do you think that whoever this might be, is it related to her?" questioned Ironwood with a face of concern.

"...I hope not but seeing how brutal just this one attack was I think it is. I might call in Crow for this one," stated Ozpin as he pulled out a scroll.

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