xx. night

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the favorite is online!

the favorite

daddy issues
Hello Y/n

the favorite
what are u doing up at this hour
u need sleep sir

daddy issues
I could say the same thing to you
But if you must know, I'm having trouble falling asleep

the favorite
dad being a douche?

daddy issues
All of the above

the favorite
well youve come to the right place!
welcome to y/n's therapy sessions
no charge necessary

daddy issues
I'm not prepared for this

the favorite
no one is
so tell me
what exactly are you troubled about?

daddy issues
I'm not sure
I guess flashbacks of when I was a child have been occurring
I have a bad feeling about tomorrow
I miss my older brother

the favorite
so basically u have ptsd and depression
anyone couldve told u that
very much daddy issues
maybe a bit of mommy issues too

daddy issues
Older brother issues?

the favorite
ig that too
arent u the youngest?

daddy issues
Yeah I am

the favorite
im so grateful to be an only child

daddy issues
I enjoy my siblings
But I wasn't able to form that sibling bond with them when I was younger

the favorite
bc of ur jackass of a dad?

daddy issues
Thank you Y/n
I really needed this

the favorite
no problemo
im always here to help <3

daddy issues
What does "<3" mean?

the favorite
oh yea its a heart

daddy issues
Aren't hearts reserved for those that you like?

the favorite
some ppl like others in a friend way
for example mina and i say "ily" to each other as friends
ily means i love you-
we dont rlly do any couple things
we just love each other as friends

daddy issues
That's confusing

the favorite
yea it is
itll make sense someday
oh shit its 2AM

daddy issues
You need sleep for tomorrow
Aren't you going to the mall with the others for summer camp?

the favorite
i dont rlly need anything
just tagging along bc i dont have anything better to do

daddy issues
Are you packed for it?

the favorite
oh shit i didnt tell you all did i?
im not going camping

daddy issues
Why not?
I thought it was required for all hero students

the favorite
seeing my dad

daddy issues
But you said you didn't have a dad

the favorite
i never said i didnt have a dad
i just said he left me
which he did 🙄

daddy issues
Both of us have daddy issues

the favorite has been renamed to "daddy issues two"

daddy issues two
matching namessss

daddy issues
Yeah I guess
Why'd your dad leave?

daddy issues two
well he was a foreigner to japan and studied here for  college and met my mom
they did the naughty and ig his condom broke or something bc here i am
then he found out about my mom being pregnant, stayed until about 2 years after my birth, then up and left without telling my mom why or anything
they were never married but ig they "divorced"

daddy issues
The naughty?

daddy issues two

daddy issues

daddy issues two
but theres my life story
so now my dad wants to see me every summer
idk how long tho
it's different each year 🤷

daddy issues
You seem upset about it

daddy issues two
i mean its cool to see my dad
but he just kind of left my mom and i for no reason and still hasnt told us why yet :/
like ik they loved each other and shit so why leave?

daddy issues
Was that why you were upset earlier?

daddy issues two
oh nah
just tired ig

daddy issues
You're always tired Y/n

daddy issues two
i mean i am currently up at almost 3 in the morning talking to my friend who should be sleeping rn

daddy issues
Don't turn the tables

daddy issues two
tables have been turned

daddy issues
I guess if you have no one to talk to you'll just fall asleep right?

daddy issues two
we can talk about this todoroki
dont do this
we cant sort this out sir

daddy issues
We could
But I'm not going to

daddy issues two
you suck

daddy issues
You swallow

daddy issues two
youve been hanging out with mina havent u

daddy issues
Yeah I have

daddy issues two
knew it

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