xlix. right decision

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removed from... ua?

they've got to be fucking kidding.

"removed? from ua?" you asked, your words just dropping out of your mouth.

tsuragamae nodded slowly. "we felt as if this was the right decision."

you harshly glared at the four of them. "i'm being removed from the hero course for a silly little mistake?! any chances i have to redeem myself are just, going down the drain?!"

nezu sat up in his chair, his stupid little smile plastered on his face. "it wasn't a silly little mistake l/n. you could've left the group chat the moment you realized they were villains and not said anything personal to them."

"i wanted to get evidence of them and show you guys as soon as i got back from my trip! unfortunately, i didn't have that opportunity as a lot had came up and you guys immediately arrested me and put me into questioning!" you shouted, absolutely livid.

if you weren't handcuffed, you would've broken the glass.

"we just don't want to risk anything. we're talking about the safety of the students and staff here," vlad king spoke up, folding hid hands together.

you altered your gaze to him, the glare never leaving your face. "and what will happen when the league attacks don't stop? what if they get worse? what will happen then?"

they all stayed quiet for a moment. apparently, they didn't think that far ahead.

"then you'll be accepted back into the hero course," all might interjected.

your felt your glare soften when he spoke. you could never be upset at the prior number one hero.

nezu, vlad king, and tsuragamae stared at all might with a stunned expression. this wasn't the plan, was it?

"if we made the mistake of kicking the wrong person out of ua, then you'll be welcomed back with no questions asked. as of right now, this is the best option for everyone," all might stated, looking back at the tiny principal.

you grumbled, slouching in your chair. "you're removing me for the safety of everyone." the four of them nodded.

you peered at them, still pissed at their decision. "i still think it's a stupid decision, but i understand why."

they all seemed to sigh in relief upon hearing that information. you rolled your eyes, still glaring. "i'm still absolutely livid. you're removing me and any chance i have of redeeming myself away. i don't believe it's ethical what-so-ever. i understand why you're doing it, but i still have every right to be pissed off at this school."

they all nodded, understanding your words. nezu smiled at you. "i wish there was an easier way, l/n."

you glared at the tiny bear rat thing that you used to call your principal. "i can come up with plenty of easier ways. if you can't, but a teenager can, then what does that make you?"

tsuragamae stood up, causing your gaze to shift to him. "be lucky you aren't being arrested, l/n," he barked.

you rolled your eyes, "whatever."

he then sped out of the room, clearly done with the conversation. vlad king and nezu were next to leave. nezu had the audacity to wave goodbye, and you would've punched in his face so hard if it weren't for the stupid cuffs.

all might and you remained (against your own will of course). he gave you the guiltiest look you have ever seen on a hero.

"i truly hope we're wrong, young l/n. i hate seeing a potential hero be framed as a villain," he consoled, glaring harshly at the ground.

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